Wolfgang Hager (watchmaker)

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Wolfgang Hager (born January 1602 in Steyr , † January 4, 1674 in Arnstadt ) was a German watchmaker .

life and work

Wolfgang Hager was born at the beginning of January 1602 in Steyr ( Austria ) as the son of master blacksmith Stephan Hager and his wife Katharina, née Huber. He was baptized on January 17, 1602. 1616 Start of a six-year apprenticeship in Stayer with the master watchmaker Daniel Scheyrer, who was born in Augsburg in 1582 . From 1622 to 1625 he worked as a journeyman for his teacher . In 1625 Wolfgang Hager went on trips to Landshut , Munich and Augsburg. In Augsburg he settled as a watchmaker.

He actually wanted to move from Augsburg to Strasbourg in 1627 . Before that, however, he received a letter from Count Günther von Schwarzburg , in which the latter asked him to go to Arnstadt for his service. Wolfgang Hager followed this request and in the same year began his service at Neideck Castle as a court watchmaker . On February 12, 1628 he acquired citizenship . In 1634 he gave up court service with the count, settled in the city and three years later bought a house in Zimmergasse.

On November 11, 1638, he married Katharina Wagner, daughter of the innkeeper “Zum halben Mond” on Riedplatz in Arnstadt. The couple had two children, Michael Tobias (born September 24, 1639) and Wolfgang jun. (* October 17, 1643), both later also known watchmakers.

From 1638 he took over the maintenance of the town clocks (ie the town hall clock and the clock built 1574–75 on the Riedtor ) for 20 thalers a year. In 1660 he had to give up this office for reasons of age. Wolfgang Hager died in Arnstadt on January 4, 1674.

Preserved watches

Wall clock with verge escapement (pendulum on the back) and astronomical indications
(around 1670)

Only a few watches by Wolfgang Hager are known.


  • Ernst Hager: History of the Hager Family. Zeulenroda 1933
  • Günther Oestmann : Clocks and scientific instruments from the Hager family. Ed .: City of Braunschweig, Der Oberstadtdirektor, Städtisches Museum; Braunschweig 1999, ISBN 3-927288-29-2

Web links

  • British Museum: Hager pm (English)
  • Günther Oestmann: Clocks and scientific instruments from the Hager family. Table of contents (PDF 28 kB)

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Abeler : Master of the watchmaking art. Wuppertal 1977; P. 248
  2. ^ Günther Oestmann : Clocks and scientific instruments of the Hager family. Ed .: City of Braunschweig, Der Oberstadtdirektor, Städtisches Museum; Braunschweig 1999, ISBN 3-927288-29-2 , p. 46f.
  3. ^ Günther Oestmann: Clocks and scientific instruments of the Hager family. Ed .: City of Braunschweig, Der Oberstadtdirektor, Städtisches Museum; Braunschweig 1999, ISBN 3-927288-29-2 , p. 50f.