Wolfgang Rösel

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Wolfgang Rösel (born July 6, 1936 in Lüchow , Lüchow-Dannenberg district ) is a German architect and construction manager .


Wolfgang Rösel grew up in the Rheingau and studied architecture at the TH Darmstadt and at the TU Berlin . In 1962 he successfully completed his architecture studies at the TH Darmstadt. From 1961 to 1965 he worked in the office of his teacher Ernst Neufert , from 1965 to 1972 Neufert's office partner and his ARGE partner until 1976. In 1972 Rösel set up his own architectural office for industrial building planning and “Bau-Real GmbH & Co KG for execution planning” in Darmstadt, as well as dv-beratung with Sabine Schmidt. He wrote expert reports on damaged construction processes.

As a partner of and with Ernst Neufert, Rösel planned the Quelle-Markt department store in Nuremberg and the Institute for Telecommunications at the TH Darmstadt. As a freelance industrial architect, he designed buildings for Asbach & Co in Rüdesheim am Rhein and Döhler-Essences in Darmstadt and wrote several project studies for large-scale buildings. His office "Bau-Real" worked as a project manager on 114 projects for industrial companies, for the states of Hesse and Thuringia, for the city of Frankfurt as well as districts and municipalities. "Bau-Real" has been run by J. Haeberle since 2003.

In 1973 he was at the University of Berlin with a thesis Optimization of detailed design for industrial buildings with the help of network technology to the Dr. Ing. PhD . From 1970 to 1976 he held a teaching position at the TH Darmstadt . In 1974 he received a call to the chair for construction management , later construction industry, in the department of architecture, urban planning and landscape planning at the University of Kassel (GhK) , today's University of Kassel. In 1999 Rösel was the initiator and, together with Siegbert Keller and Volkhard Franz, the founder of the Institute for Construction Industry (IBW) at the University of Kassel, as well as its first managing director. In 2000 he was retired .

Rösel's research focus was on project management in the overall context of construction. He is the author of the standard work "Baumanagement", the first comprehensive work in this area for teaching and practice.

Wolfgang Rösel was a member of Round Table (RT), founding member of Old Tablers 24 Darmstadt (1979), National President of Old Tablers Germany (1982/1983), President of Club 41 International (1993/1994). For his work he became an honorary member of Old Tablers Germany (OTD); In 1996 he received the “Award for Merit” from Club 41 International. Since January 1st, 2015 his status is “Free Tabler”. He lives in Lindau on Lake Constance.



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Individual evidence

  1. a b
    • Zentralblatt für Industriebau , Issues No. 7/1966; 1.5 / 1968; 1,6,9 / 1969; 3.6 / 1970; 10/1974; 1,8,9 / 1977; 1,2,3 / 1988
    • Deutsches Architektenblatt , issue No. 6/1977
    • German construction magazine , issue No. 5/1978
    • State building administration of the state of Hesse in Wiesbaden
    • State building administration of the state of Thuringia in Erfurt
    • Construction management of the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis in Bad Schwalbach
    • State Building Office Darmstadt
    • State Building Office Frankfurt / Main