Wolfgang Trilling

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Wolfgang Trilling (born April 16, 1925 in Chemnitz , † August 1, 1993 in Leipzig ) was a German Roman Catholic priest , theologian and New Testament scholar .


Trilling was best known for his dissertation Theology of the Gospel of Matthew (written in 1958 by Josef Schmid in Munich). It was first published in 1959 under the title The True Israel: Studies on the Theology of the Gospel of Matthew (1961 2 , 1964 3 ). This work was considered "groundbreaking" ( Christoph Schmitt ) for the application of the editorial history method in the Catholic interpretation of the Bible. In addition, the interpretation of the history of salvation based on Hans Conzelmann was applied to the Gospel of Matthew for the first time. To this day, the book is therefore considered to be "unadverted" ( Josef Gülden ). In addition to his scientific work, Trilling was also interested in the church service, and especially student pastoral care.

His main research interests were the gospels, the reception of Paul, hermeneutical and other interdisciplinary topics.

Stations of the career

In 1949 he entered the oratory of St. Philipp Neri in Leipzig and in 1952 he was ordained a priest . After receiving his doctorate in 1958, he was given a lectureship in the Old Testament in Erfurt from 1959 to 1961 . From 1961 to 1967 Trilling was pastor of the Catholic Student Community (KSG) in Leipzig and was involved in the preparation and implementation of the first post-conciliar diocesan synod in Meissen . In 1966 he helped found the “Ecumenical-Theological Working Group in the GDR”. From 1968 to 1970 he continued the lectureship for the New Testament in Erfurt, which then led to an ecumenical guest lecturer at the Theological Seminary in Leipzig , the largest of the three Protestant church universities in the GDR, until 1985 . Since 1991 he has held the title of professor as emeritus .



Trilling's brother and friend Josef Gülden recalls Trilling's entry into the Leipzig oratorio in 1949:

“Dear Wolfgang! ... You came with two friends who had started the theological studies with you after their forced military service ... Every day you read the Gospel of Mark in Greek together. This resulted in your first writing: 'The mystery of Christ - the mystery of faith. An Introduction to the Gospel of Mark. '"

The publication of Trilling's dissertation is also dedicated to the brothers in the oratorio. The dedication “Fratribus in Oratorio”, which appeared in the first edition of The True Israel (1959), was omitted from the third edition (1975).

Publications and editing activities

A nearly complete list of Trilling's publications can be found in Karl Kertelge u. a. (Ed.): Witness Christ. FS for Wolfgang Trilling. Herder, Freiburg 1990, p. 299 ff.

  • Mystery of Christ - Mystery of Faith: An Introduction to the Gospel of Mark. Leipzig 1957, Mainz 1957.
  • The True Israel: Studies in the Theology of the Gospel of Matthew. (= Erfurt Theological Studies 7), St. Benno, Leipzig 1975.
  • From 1961, together with H. Schürmann and KH Schelkle, editor of the Spiritual Reading Series . Trilling published two volumes on the Gospel of Matthew (1962 and 1964).
  • Editor Selected Commentaries on the New Testament. Leipzig 1963–1984.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Karl Kertelge et al. (Ed.): Christ testify (= Erfurt Theologische Studien, 59), St. Benno, Leipzig 1990. The authors include u. a. Heinz Schürmann, Traugott Holtz, Ulrich Luz , Eduard Schweizer , James DG Dunn, Rudolf Pesch and Hans-Josef Klauck .
  2. ^ J. Gülden: Greeting. In: Witness Christ , p. 7.
  3. Reviews: On the 1st edition: John Reumann: Journal of Biblical Literature 79 (1960), pp. 376–379. Second edition: Joseph Zalotay: Catholic Biblical Quarterly 27 (1965), pp. 184-185.