Wolfram G. Zoller

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Wolfram G. Zoller (born February 1, 1956 in Dillingen / Saar ) is a German internist , gastroenterologist and university professor .


Zoller completed his basic military service after graduating from high school in 1975. From 1976 to 1982 he studied human medicine in Marburg , Graz and Munich . In 1977 he became a member of the Corps Teutonia Marburg . The doctorate took place in Marburg in 1982 with a thesis on the subject of the transverse cleft mouth as a rare malformation of the face . 1985 followed a research stay at the London Hammersmith Hospital . Until 1986 he worked as a research assistant at the Medical Polyclinic of the University of Munich Clinic, which was headed by Nepomuk Zöllner , and then, until he was employed there, as a senior physician at the Radiological Clinic at the University of Munich, headed by Josef Lissner . In 1988 he completed his specialist training. In 1990 he completed his habilitation with a thesis on duplex sonographic examinations of the haemodynamics of the portal vein system: including pharmacological aspects in patients with liver cirrhosis . A year later, he was recognized as a specialist in gastroenterology, and in 1992 a research stay at the gastroenterological department of the University of California, Los Angeles . From 1994, Zoller was the senior physician in charge of the polyclinic and was involved in setting up the endoscopic emergency service for the entire Munich city center University Hospital. From 1995 he also headed the gastroenterological department and outpatient department of the surgical clinic at the University of Munich, which at that time was headed by Leonhard Schweiberer . In 1996 he was appointed professor by the University of Munich.

Since April 1, 1998, Zoller has been Medical Director of the Clinic for Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology at the Katharinen Hospital in Stuttgart , where he was also the Executive Medical Director of the Center for Internal Medicine from 2001 to 2003.

Among other things, Zoller, who has been involved in the Rotary Club in Stuttgart-Rosenstein since 1999 , was Chairman of the Board of the South-West German Society for Internal Medicine, Congress President of the South-West German Society for Gastroenterology and the Stuttgart Working Group for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy.


Zoller is the editor of over 120 original works, has written numerous book chapters and is the editor of several textbooks. The scientific focus here is gastroenterological oncology .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 171 , 1688
  2. ^ Club and membership directory of Rotarians in the Federal Republic of Germany 2002/2003
  3. CV of Prof. Zoller (PDF; 7 kB) TEB Self-Help, accessed on June 18, 2013.
  4. Honorary doctorate for Prof. Wolfram G. Zoller. Press release from the Stuttgart Clinic, July 9, 2009.
  5. ^ Staufer medal in gold for Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Wolfram G. Zoller. Baden-Wuerttemberg.de, December 8, 2011.