Wulf Emmo Ankel

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Wulf Emmo Ankel (born August 7, 1897 in Frankfurt am Main ; † March 25, 1983 in Laubach ) was a German zoologist , marine biologist and university professor .


Wulf Emmo Ankel was born in Frankfurt am Main in August 1897 as the son of Paul Ankel and his wife Emma Ankel. After graduation, he studied in his hometown. In October 1923 he was promoted to Dr. phil. nat. PhD . He then worked as an assistant at the University of Giessen and then in Frankfurt am Main. In 1930 he received his habilitation in Frankfurt . In the same year he became a private lecturer in zoology and comparative anatomy in Giessen. In 1937 he was made an adjunct professor. After long negotiations, Ankel was appointed to the (previously devalued) extraordinary professorial chair for zoology at the TH Darmstadt in 1939 . At the same time he was director of the zoological department of the State Museum in Darmstadt . In the course of the appointment negotiations, Ankel joined the NSDAP on June 1, 1938 , from 1936 to 1939 a member of the NSKK and also of the National Socialist German Lecturer Association ( NSDDB ). Ankel was called up for military service several times and was not classified as "indispensable" until 1941 because he was the only specialist in zoology at the TH Darmstadt. Its indispensability has been questioned several times because there was a lack of armament-related research projects. The two projects run by Ankels employees fell far behind the other war-important research in terms of budget.

At the end of October 1945 Ankel was dismissed from civil service for "political reasons". In the denazification process, he was classified in the second instance in February 1947 in category V of the "exonerated" because his work as Lecturer League Leader was rated as resistance work. He was then able to resume his professorship at the TH Darmstadt. In 1952 Ankel accepted a full professorship for zoology and comparative anatomy at the Justus Liebig University, from 1957 University of Gießen . He taught here until his retirement in 1965. From 1957 to 1959 he was its rector and accompanied the ascent to the full university.

Ankel made several study trips to Naples and Scandinavia. In 1953 he took part in Hans Hass's expedition to the Galapagos Islands ( company Xarifa ). Among other things, he conducted research in the areas of ecology , the physiology of freshwater sponges and molluscs . In addition, he was involved in the history of the discipline and wrote as a contemporary witness about zoology at the TH Darmstadt and botany at the University of Gießen.


Fonts (selection)

  • The Zoological Institute of the Technical University of Darmstadt from 1939-1952 , in: THD yearbook, 1976/77 ( 100 years of the Technical University of Darmstadt ), pp. 214–222.
  • On the history of scientific biology in Giessen , in: Ludwigs University, Justus Liebig University: 1607-1957; Festschrift for the 350th anniversary, Verlag Schmitz, Gießen 1957, pp. 308–340.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hanel, p. 207 and note 991.
  2. Hanel, p. 394.
  3. Hanel, pp. 393 and 338.
  4. ^ Schmidt, p. 209
  5. Rector's speech 1957 (HKM)
  6. ^ Project: Technical University of Darmstadt and National Socialism
  7. ^ TU Darmstadt Late coming to terms with the Nazi past