Xaver and his alien friend

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Original title Xaver and his alien friend
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1986
length 86 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Werner Possardt
script Werner Possardt
production Calypso movie
music Hans-Jürgen Buchner
camera Jakob Eger
cut Christel Maye

Xaver and his extraterrestrial friend is a comedy film in Upper Bavarian dialect by director Werner Possardt from 1985. The film was shot in den Stauden , an area near Schwabmünchen . He combines elements of Heimatfilm and science fiction. In 2004 the film was released on DVD . Additional bonus material appeared in a special edition for Christmas 2005.


The film begins in a Bavarian village where there is an arson in a discotheque. The local " Dorfdepp " Xaver, who happens to be among the disco visitors , recognizes Eberhard as one of the arsonists. On the run, he meets an alien in a forest, whom he calls Loisl (Alois). His spaceship broke down. Xaver would like to offer Alois his help, but is confronted with difficulties because Eberhard and his gang are still on his heels.

Meanwhile, Alois gets to know life on earth and finds z. B. I really appreciate the fact that you can drink beer here. However, this creates additional difficulties and entanglements. Xaver finally receives support from Anni and Hubert, so that Alois with Xaver and Anni on the run from Eberhard can ultimately fly back to his home planet with the repaired spaceship.


  • Alternatively, the film was also shown under the titles My Extra-Terrestrial Friend (VHS) and Xaver (TV).
  • The spaceship was built from a BMW Isetta . It has been on the roof of the Gasthof Kreuz in Pfaffenhausen since the late 1980s


"A wonderful encounter of the sneaky kind [...]."

"Spielberg's ET studied carefully, only Xaver is cheaper, more Bavarian and better [...]."

“[...] staged without frills, with a sure eye for simple but effective effects. The Allgäu is Bavaria's Wild West [...]. "

"Intergalactic fun for locals, extraterrestrials and Zuagroaste!"

"Funny, low-budget production [...]."

- tz

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/schwabmuenchen/Kultfilm-Xaver-Ausserirdischer-bringt-Hauch-von-Hollywood-in-die-Stauden-id57702671.html
  2. How Loisl's UFO got on Nino's roof Augsburger Allgemeine on November 6, 2015