Yonni Meyer

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Yonni Nelida Moreno Meyer (born January 25, 1982 in Winterthur ), known under the pseudonym Pony M. , is a Swiss blogger , columnist and comedian .

Yonni Meyer (2017)


Yonni Meyer was born in Winterthur and grew up in Benken in the Zurich wine region . She attended school in Benken, Marthalen and Schaffhausen and completed the Matura type M in 2002 . She then studied psychology at the University of Freiburg . During her studies she also did research on humor. After completing his studies in 2011 with a Master of Science degree in cognitive psychology , industrial and organizational psychology and clinical psychology , Meyer worked temporarily in the prison department of the psychiatric-psychological service of the canton of Zurich . She then worked at the company Consult & Pepper in the HR consulting until 2013 the Facebook - Blog Pony M. brought to life and to writing full-time dedicated even from the same year.

Yonni Meyer lives in Zurich .


Blogger career

Yonni Meyer established the Facebook blog Pony M. in July 2013. The content of the published articles has since changed from pure entertainment to more socially critical and occasionally political topics; The focus is on the equality of men and women, the social and legal equality of homosexual couples as well as the topics of depression and self-esteem. Due to their great success (the number of readers increased within the first month in the five-figure range) were released quickly, even in established (online) media Meyers texts, among others, the Zurich satire magazine KULT , the Swiss online portal Watson in which she is still active today, and at Huffington Post Germany . Meyer has been portrayed in a large number of newspaper reports, radio and television programs and is considered one of the best-known and most widely read online authors in Switzerland. The Facebook blog Pony M. currently has over 60,000 subscribers, and Meyer's columns have so far been published in four books (see below).

Readings and stand-up comedy

Yonni Meyer regularly reads her texts in cultural venues all over German-speaking Switzerland . The premiere of her current reading series Tour d'Amour took place on December 16, 2018 in the Zurich Club Kosmos . The interactive reading format “Dear Pony ...” also started in Kosmos on September 30, 2018 - questions that life writes , during which Meyer actively discusses with the audience. In addition to her readings, Yonni Meyer has also devoted herself to stand-up comedy since 2015 , among other things as a member of the comedy collective Komikaze , which appears in the Zurich Club Kanzlei .

Radio and television appearances

In 2014, Yonni Meyer was the protagonist of the show Ich, the majority , in which Swiss television SRF highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of direct democracy .

In July 2017 Meyer appeared next to Emil Steinberger , Michael Mittermeier , Peach Weber , Andreas Thiel and Fabian Unteregger in the Club of Swiss Television . The program, entitled Emil & seine Erben: The Humor Summit, addressed both the meaning and taboo areas of humor and satire in society.

Together with other audience members, Yonni Meyer produced the news program 10vor10 in October 2017 as part of the Hello SRF project , which she also moderated. The program was broadcast on the channels SRF 1 and SRF two at the same time in the original version and in a background version so that the activities of the audience members could be followed behind the scenes.

Further public appearances and charitable activities

In the context of public appearances, Meyer has repeatedly taken positions that also play a central role in her texts. In particular, it is committed to the equality of all people regardless of gender, sexual orientation or origin. She took part in panel discussions on the subject of migration and integration in both Switzerland and Germany, was the 2015 ambassador of the anti-racism campaign Bunte Schweiz of the Federal Commission against Racism and has repeatedly supported charitable projects to support refugees and other members of society in need used.


  • Vill Liebi (2014), self-published
  • Meh Liebi (2015), self-published
  • 1982 (2016), self-published
  • Dini Mueter (2017), self-published

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The University of Freiburg awarded 758 new diplomas in the autumn session 2008 , website of the University of Freiburg, January 14, 2009, accessed on December 13, 2017.
  2. Uuuand celebrated the wedding of the year ... our Yonni Meyer !!! , Watson, June 27, 2019, accessed June 27, 2019.
  3. a b c Vita , website of Yonni Meyer, accessed on December 14, 2017.
  4. Samson AC, Meyer Y. Perception of aggressive humor in relation to gelotophobia, gelotophilia, and katagelasticism. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, Volume 52, 2010 (2), 217-230.
  5. Feminism! NOW! When neutral words mutate into alarm bells ... , Watson, September 24, 2014, https://www.watson.ch/Blogs/Yonnihof/704464534-Feminismus!-NOW !
  6. Ronne Forest, Ronne! , Facebook blog Pony M., April 11, 2015, https://www.facebook.com/ponyshof/posts/748938141891074
  7. Gay means happy , Facebook blog Pony M., December 3, 2013, https://www.facebook.com/ponyshof/posts/483142358470655
  8. Dad is great. And papa too. Thoughts on the discussion about the admission of foster children by homosexual couples , Watson, December 25, 2014, https://www.watson.ch/Blogs/Yonnihof/375350678-Papa-ist-super--Und-Papa-auch-
  9. Depressions: Look at each other when it gets dark , Watson, September 25, 2015, https://www.watson.ch/Blogs/Yonnihof/302134266-Depressionen--%C2%ABSchaut-aufeinander--wenn%E2%80% 99s-darkens-% C2% BB
  10. Depression - An attempt to explain , Watson, November 23, 2016, https://www.watson.ch/Blogs/Yonnihof/491274410-Depression-%E2%80%93-Ein-Erkl%C3%A4rungsversuch
  11. "I love myself, I don't love myself ..." Are we still allowed to love each other or are we all in love with ourselves? , Watson, January 5, 2016, https://www.watson.ch/blogs/yonnihof/338145432-selbstliebe-okay-oder-zu-viel-des-guten
  12. Pony, how do I like to get myself together? , Facebook blog Pony M., June 25, 2017, https://www.facebook.com/ponyshof/posts/pony-wie-bekomme-ich-mich-gerndisclaimer-ich-bin-bigoscht-nicht-über-alle -doubt / 1336417769809772 /
  13. Facebook star Pony M .: 'I can bash back too! , Bettina Siegwart, Schweizer Illustrierte, November 22, 2013, https://www.schweizer-illustrierte.ch/stars/schweiz/pony-m-ich-kann-auch-mal-zurueckbashen
  14. «What's that supposed to mean?» Yonni Meyer is Switzerland's digital chaperone. Her Facebook posts excite a young audience not with gossip and sex, but with moral debates , Vanessa Sadecky, NZZ on Sunday, December 14, 2014
  15. That sounds logical, but it's bullshit! , Vanessa Simon, Tages-Anzeiger, November 29, 2016, https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/kultur/diverses/das-klingt-zwar-logisch-ist-aber-bullshit/story/11358851
  16. Swiss bloggers, episode 2: Yonni Meyer, Facebook blogger , Glanz & Gloria, Schweizer Fernsehen SRF, January 31, 2017, https://www.srf.ch/play/tv/glanz--gloria/video/schweizer- bloggers-follow-2-yonni-meyer-facebook-bloggerin? id = 31b93643-1107-43fb-9d19-4e22e83ea4da & station = 69e8ac16-4327-4af4-b873-fd5cd6e895a7
  17. Facebook blog Pony M., https://www.facebook.com/pg/ponyshof/community/?ref=page_internal
  18. Reading calendar "Tour d'Amour" , Facebook page Pony M., https://www.facebook.com/ponyshof/photos/p.1886095224842021/1886095224842021/?type=1&theater
  19. Komikaze
  20. I, the majority , srf.ch
  21. Leonie Krähenbühl: I have 26,000 people behind me , Tages-Anzeiger, April 30, 2014.
  22. ^ Pony M. - Extreme democracy: Swiss woman lets Internet users determine her life , Huffington Post Germany, May 9, 2014.
  23. ^ Online democracy: "We, the majority" , 3sat, July 2, 2014.
  24. ^ Emil & his heirs: Das Humorgipfeltreffen , Der Club , srf.ch, July 4, 2017
  25. 10vor10 , srf.ch, October 13, 2017.
  26. Hello SRF , srf.ch, October 13, 2017.
  27. It's Migration, Stupid! Migration as a challenge for political education , specialist conference in Nuremberg, Germany, June 1st - June 3rd, 2016, http://www.gesichthaben.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/programm.pdf
  28. Which country do we want to be? Debate on Switzerland's position in the refugee crisis, Zurich, February 6, 2016
  29. Glanz & Gloria : With comedy for a good cause, September 29, 2015, https://www.srf.ch/sendung/glanz-und-gloria/glanz-gloria-im-privatjet-im-blitzlicht-und-auf -the stage
  30. Glanz & Gloria : Heart & Coal: Benefit Show, December 27, 2016, https://www.srf.ch/sendung/glanz-und-gloria/glanz-gloria-mit-ehrungen-und-aufregern
  31. Yonni Meyer visiting the SOS Advisory Service of the SRK Zurich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgOpCqulEss&t=1s
  32. List of various national and international aid projects, Facebook blog Pony M., November 30, 2018, https://www.facebook.com/ponyshof/posts/1913368592114684?__xts__