Zdenka Bergrová

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Zdenka Bergrová

Zdenka Bergrová (born Vovsová ; born March 10, 1923 in Prague ; † May 22, 2008 ibid) was a Czech poet and translator of Russian literature . Her husband is the artist Věroslav Berger .


She graduated from high school in 1942, completed the secondary literary school in Prague's Clementinum and was employed in the Rudolfinum until the end of the war when the books were put into hiding there. In 1945 she received a medal for her participation in the resistance against the Nazis . From the summer semester of 1945 she studied Czech and Russian literature at Charles University . In 1949, her dissertation was not recognized because she refused to call Vladimir Korolenko a brave and just revolutionary .


In July 1945 her first poem appeared in the newspaper Junge Front (Mladá Fronta) and won first prize in a youth competition for the play The Gingerbread House (Perníková chaloupka ve verších), which was performed in the Maňáskovo Theater . Since 1949 she has translated poems by Pushkin , Lermontov , Nikolai Alexejewitsch Nekrasov , Taras Shevchenko , Esenin and Pasternak . Since 1990 she has published her own poems and a collection of fairy tales.


Award and diploma of the European Circle Franz Kafka , Praha 1999. It is listed in the Who is Who of the Czech press agency , in Ukraine in the literary encyclopedia , in the Who's Who in the World Edition 2000 as well as Outstanding People , Cambridge, England.


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