Cistercian Abbey of Beaupré-sur-la-Lys

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The Cistercian Abbey of Beaupré-sur-la-Lys was 1220-1795 a monastery of Cistercian nuns in La Gorgue , Nord in France . Beaupré-sur-la-Lys should not be confused with the former Cistercian Abbey of Beaupré in Belgium and the former Cistercian monasteries of Beaupré in Picardy and Beaupré in Lorraine .


The Notre-Dame de Beaupré ("beautiful meadow") monastery, founded in La Gorgue, north of Béthune , at the confluence of the Leie and Lawe , in 1220 was incorporated into the Cistercian order in 1224 and destroyed in 1795 by the French Revolution . The only remaining foundation walls were archaeologically exposed in 1992. Numerous excavation finds are accessible.

Beaupré-sur-la-Lys belongs to a group of 13 Cistercian convents (Beaupré, Blendecques , Bonham , La Brayelle , Flines , Fontenelle , Marquette , Les Prés , Ravensberg , Le Verger , Le Vivier , Willencourt , La Woestyne ) that were founded around 1200 were privately donated within a short period of time and in a confined space, and face only five Cistercian monasteries ( Cercamp , Clairmarais , Longvillers , Loos and Vaucelles ).


  • Bernadette Barrière, Marie-Elisabeth Montulet-Henneau (eds.), Cîteaux et les femmes. Architectures et occupation de l'espace dans les monastères féminins. Modalités d'intégration et de contrôle des femmes dans l'Ordre. Les moniales cisterciennes aujourd'hui . Créaphis éditions, Grâne 2001 (files from a colloquium from 1998, here: p. 100).
  • Geert Berings, Vijf cisterciënzerinnenabdijen in Frans-Vlaanderen. Stichting en vroegste geschiedenis . In: De Franse Nederlanden / Les Pays-Bas Français . Year 1994, pp. 75–89 (here: 86–87).
  • Cistercian Sites in Europe . Charte Européenne des Abbayes et Sites Cisterciens 2012, p. 45.
  • Bernard Peugniez: Le Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, p. 233.

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Coordinates: 50 ° 38 ′ 24.2 "  N , 2 ° 41 ′ 34"  E