90th United States Congress

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The 90th United States Congress , made up of the House and Senate , was the United States' legislature . Its legislative term lasted from January 3, 1967 to January 3, 1969. All members of the House of Representatives and a third of the senators ( Class II ) were elected in the November 1966 congressional elections. In both chambers there was a majority for the Democratic Party , which, along with Lyndon B. Johnson, also provided the US president. The Republican Party only had the role in the opposition. In the course of the legislative period there were minor changes in personnel due to resignations and deaths, but these did not change the majority. Congress met in the American capital Washington, DC The distribution of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the 1960 census .

Important events

See also entries under 1967 and 1968

  • January 3, 1967: beginning of the legislative period of the 90th Congress
  • February 10, 1967: The 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified.
  • June 5-10, 1967: Six Day War between Israel and its neighbors.
  • June 23, 1967: US President Lyndon B. Johnson and Soviet Prime Minister Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin meet at the Glassboro Conference . The topics of the discussions are the détente in the Cold War and proxy wars between the two superpowers.
  • July 4, 1967: The Freedom of Information Act comes into force in the United States. In principle, the law grants everyone the right to receive information about executive documents.
  • July 12, 1967: The hitherto most serious race riots in the USA begin in Newark near New York and subsequently spread across the whole of the south. The boxer Muhammad Ali refuses to do military service in Vietnam.
  • July 29, 1967: The US Navy is struck by the Forrestal disaster . A fire with explosions on the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal, triggered by a misfired missile, killed 134 people.
  • January 5, 1968: Alexander Dubček becomes First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
  • March 18, 1968: The United States Congress removes the requirement that gold reserves must be established for US currency.
  • April 4, 1968: Fatal assassination attempt on Martin Luther King in Memphis , Tennessee .
  • April 11, 1968: President Johnson signs the 1968 Civil Rights Act .
  • June 5, 1968: Robert F. Kennedy was fatally assassinated in Los Angeles .
  • July 1, 1968: The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is signed in Washington .
  • August 20, 1968: The Prague Spring ends with the invasion of Warsaw Pact troops into Czechoslovakia .
  • October 22, 1968: President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Gun Control Act, one of the most important federal gun laws.
  • November 5, 1968: US presidential and congressional elections. Republican Richard Nixon becomes the new president. In Congress, the Democrats defend their majority in both chambers.

The entire legislative period is shaped by the events of the Vietnam War . In addition, the space program in preparation for the moon landing in July 1969 is running in the USA.

The main laws

During the session of the 90th Congress, the following federal laws were passed ( see also: Legislative procedure ):

  • April 4, 1967: Supplemental Defense Appropriations Act
  • November 7, 1967: Public Broadcasting Act of 1967
  • December 15, 1967: Age Discrimination in Employment Act
  • December 18, 1967: National Park Foundation Act
  • 1968: Bilingual Education Act
  • March 1, 1968: Fire Research and Safety Act of 1968
  • April 11, 1968: Civil Rights Act of 1968
  • May 29, 1968: Truth in Lending Act
  • June 19, 1968: Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968
  • July 21, 1968: Aircraft Noise Abatement Act
  • October 2, 1968: Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, National Wild and Scenic River .
  • October 2, 1968: National Trails System Act of 1968
  • October 15, 1968: Health Services and Facilities Amendments of 1968
  • October 18, 1968: Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968
  • October 22, 1968: Foreign Military Sales Act of 1968
  • October 22, 1968: Gun Control Act of 1968

Composition according to parties


Political party
(Shading shows majority party)
Democrats republican Others Vacant
89th Congress 67 33 0 100 0
90th Congress 62 38 0 100
91st Congress 57 43 0 100

House of Representatives

Political party
(Shading shows majority party)
Democrats republican Independent Vacant
89th Congress 289 136 0 435 10
90th Congress 247 187 0 435 1
91st Congress 243 192 0 435

There was also a congress delegate who was not entitled to vote

Public officials


Leadership of the majority party

Leadership of the minority party

House of Representatives

Leadership of the majority party

Leadership of the minority party

Senate members

The following senators represented their respective states in the 90th Congress:





























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

new York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island

South carolina

South Dakota







West Virginia



Members of the House of Representatives

The following congressmen represented the interests of their respective states in the 90th Congress:

Alabama 8 constituencies

Alaska state-wide election

Arizona 3 constituencies

Arkansas 4 constituencies.

California 38 constituencies.

Colorado 4 constituencies

Connecticut 6 constituencies

Delaware state-wide choice

Florida 12 constituencies

Georgia 10 constituencies

Hawaii State-wide election for two MPs

Idaho 2 constituencies

Illinois 24 constituencies

Indiana 11 constituencies

Iowa 7 constituencies

Kansas 5 constituencies.

Kentucky 7 constituencies

Louisiana 8 constituencies

Maine 2 constituencies

Maryland 8 constituencies

Massachusetts 12 constituencies

Michigan 19 constituencies

Minnesota 8 constituencies

Mississippi 5 constituencies

Missouri 10 constituencies

Montana 2 electoral districts

Nebraska 3 constituencies

Nevada state-wide election

New Hampshire 2 electoral divisions

New Jersey 15 constituencies

New Mexico 2 electoral districts

New York 41 constituencies

North Carolina 11 constituencies

North Dakota 2 constituencies

Ohio 24 constituencies

Oklahoma 6 constituencies

Oregon 4 constituencies

Pennsylvania 27 constituencies

Rhode Island 2 electoral districts

South Carolina 6 constituencies.

South Dakota 2 constituencies

Tennessee 9 constituencies

Texas 23 constituencies

Utah 2 constituencies

Vermont 1 constituency (state-wide)

Virginia 10 constituencies

Washington 7 constituencies

West Virginia 5 constituencies

Wisconsin 10 constituencies

Wyoming state-wide elections

Members of the House of Representatives who are not entitled to vote:

Web links

Commons : 90th United States Congress  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files
  • bioguide.congress.gov (by entering 90 under Year OR Congress: you get a list of the members of the 90th Congress with a link to the official biographies; English)