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Who/what is "SKC". SKC is just my nickname, and I've it since school (so quite a while now). It is basically just the initials of my christian name (S), middle name (K) and surname (C). I have assembled this page to inform you, the users of Wikipedia, as to who I am. The last two sections get quite political, but freedom of speech says I can be, although I don't know Wikipedia's stand on articles about yourself have to be neutral?

(Apologies for if this page reads like a CV...I tried to avoid that.)


I titled this section biography because I could think of a better word. I was born in Sunderland in northeast England. For the less geographically minded, Sunderland is near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a city I feel stronger alleagance to. I live in the small nearby town of Washington and have all my life, attending schools here and attending college in a nearby location called Shiney Row (though there's nothing remotely "shiny" about it).

To clarify: although I was born in Sunderland I have never lived there (and would never want to). I like to think of myself as more of a Geordie though.


I have a wide and somewhat contradictory range of interests, and many might raise an eyebrow at some of my "interests". I've taken the precaution of breaking them into units, just for the purposes of clarification.


At the age of seventeen, I joined the UK Conservative Party and have been a particiating member ever since. As a 'Tory', I fit most of the usual stereotypes: I am monarchist, capitalist, patriotic (not extremely so), eurosceptic, etc; the list goes on.

Although Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven detremented the northeast by removing the ship-building and mining; I would typically be described as, both by myself and others, as a Thatcherite and I have respect for her also. I am firmly atlanticist and am a avid supporter of the "special relationship" between the UK and the US and believe it to be something the rest of the world (especially France) is jealous of.

I am very much a social conservative, I believe in the family and I favour Section 28, and oppossed its removal from British law. In fact I would like to ask Tony Blair, a practising Catholic, why he approved a measure that his religion is, and always was and will be, opposed to (this being the very religion he said would judge him over his decisions regarding Iraq). I believe that the Church of England, headed by the Queen, should always be the established church of the state of the United Kingdom.

I am also deeply opposed to all forms of extremism; especially extremism that tends to take on dangerous/terrorist forms.

It is a secondary/minor ambition of mine to be one day be Prime Minister (or a Minister), although that is some years off, and regardless of whether I decide for or against this, politics will play a large part of my life. I hope that Senator John McCain runs for, and becomes the next US President. I'm a supporter of the War in Iraq. I believe it was right to execute Saddam Hussein, although not under the conditions he was.


I am a great lover of films, surprisingly enough, however; I tend to dislike political films (perhaps because the majority appear left-wing). I have written several scripts both in the form of screenplays for film and television, although I am yet to seriously pursue any of them. (See below).

At this current moment, my favourite film is unquestionably Batman Begins. I love the way Batman was taken back to his dark roots, and given a more anti-hero persona. On top of that, this film just goes to prove the diversity of Christian Bale's acting talents, and the best thing of all is that he's English. I have no idea as to whether I'd call him my favourite actor, but he certainly ranks high up.

Truth be told, my greatest ambition would be to establish a successful film/media company, something along the lines of Time-Warner. I have long had a passion for bringing ideas to life. I have written several scripts, and will hopefully soon be doing something with them that involves more than just gathering dust.

Even as youngsters, my friends and I could often be found dreaming up "productions" even though our only audience would be ourselves (the way we prefered it). Later, in the earlier days of my secondary school years (before maturity set in), I would think of playing about in terms of scripts and choreographed actions.

My first attempt at a script, made with a friend (about six years ago), was one hell of a weak "sitcom"; which (as everything unfunny does) seemed funny at the time. Luckily I burned three of the four copies, hanging onto one for sentimental value. Since then, to say my scripts have "dramatically improved", would be an understatement.

The script I am currently working on has been an idea I've been harbouring for around five years. It's complex (probably needlessly so) and it demands a lot of time and attention. To date this script has underwent four re-writes, and countless minor revisions. I'm hoping this project is the "sh*t before the shine", and that all this effort will pay off (hopefully hugely so). Yes, I did just invent that quote - thus is the extent of my "talent".


I have a wide range of television likes. I tend to gravitate towards more comedy orientated programming. I love the Simpsons, Family Guy, Kath & Kim, Extras, Phoenix Nights, The Catherine Tate Show and the Office (although not the U.S. one).


My music tastes are ridiculously diverse, to say the least. I am into dance, indie, 80's music and a bit of country too. I've listed a few of my all-round favourites below:


I love langauges. There is something about being able to slag someone off whilst standing next to them and without them knowing that is so appealing. Of course I am joking. I have always been interested in languages, I think it is something I have perhaps inherited from my dad, and his ability to speak (what is strictly) "Niederdeutsch" or "Low German". The language/s with the greatest appeal to me at the moment are the Norse languages, in particular Icelandic.

I first began learning German eight years ago and studied the language for the next five years at an intermediate level. I am now learned enough in German to comfortably get by in the language, and I am able to quickly and accurately translate between English and basic German.

I have been studying Icelandic since 2005 and have grasped the basics and I am now pushing myself in the intermediate level of the language. I am able to speak basic sentances and translate a small number of things from Icelandic to English (and through English) to German, and vice versa. I have recently reworked (and in my opinion, improved) the Wikitravel Icelandic phrasebook. You can see this mint work here: [1].

Outside of the Norse languages, I like the Māori language.


I enjoy history as a subject but I am more interested in the time between the fall of Rome, and the beginning of the industrial revolution. I am especially interested in the history of the British Isles and Scandanavia. The Old English and Old Norse areas are histories, cultures, and of course languages that interest me. Their myths and folklore, and general influence tend to feature heavily in my scripts (when set in that genre).

In regards to the British Isles, the history of Scotland and especially Northeast England hold great appeal for me. I am only the 4th generation of my family to be English born. The idea of "Scottish clanship" has a cold romance to it, and it's something that has been handed down on the paternal side of my family for years. We are taught to be proud of our name and our heritage.

I am also very interested by the history of the United States, specifically the colonial history thereof.

English Language Reformation

The English Langauge needs reformation. We have too many obsolete and French spellings. I think we need to re-introduce certain letters and get rid of other letters. Example: the letter Q should be thrown out. We have a perfect C that isn't used enough and has one of those awkward double sounds. "Qu" could easily become "cw" as in the Old English method.

We need to get back thorn "Þ/þ" (for "th" in "thin") and edh "Ð/ð" (for "th" in "them"). I don't like the letter "j" either, too French. We should replace it with Old English "ġ" (for "y" in "yes") and "cg" (for "j" in "jar"). As for the vowels...well they need to use accents. What kind of accents, either the acute, macron or circumflex me thinks.

People I admire

This is a list of the people I admire most in the world, I do of course mean poltically and not personally as having never met any of them, I can't pass judgement of their personalities, but I can on their politics. Note: that God is not on this list, as he is not a person, he's, well God ("I am that I am").

  • HM Queen Elizabeth II: a great woman, even if you don't agree with the monarchy (which I very much do), you can only admire her for devoting her entire life to her people and her nation. Plus she (as most monarchs do) has a neutral stance unlike a politically biassed President (especially a President in a Parliamentary Republic).
  • George Washington: if all politicians were like old Washington then they'd be loved by all. Another reason for him being on here is that his ancestral home is...that's right Washington, England.
  • Rupert Murdoch: this man is my business hero. His politics tend to side with mine also (which is a plus); the only thing that doesn't is his self labelling as libertarian; I'm fiercely conservative. If in 50 years I could have a media empire like this man, I'd be very happy.
  • Margaret Thatcher: as the first, and thus far, only female Prime Minister of the UK I think she proved something - the Conservatives are best for this nation, it all works out with these guys at the helm...and the obvious fact of proving women with power isn't always bad.
  • Ariel Sharon: very few leaders do so much for their country as this man. He fought for, and lead Israel, not only on the front line, but also as Prime Minister.

Countries I love and respect

This is a list of countries that I love, and the top two I believe should rule the world (not including England which falls under the first). Due to the very lengthy list of the countries I like, I've just picked out my own B7 or "Best 7":

  • England
  • Scotland (My ancestral homeland :-D only listed second here because I'm being alphabetical)

N.B.: The B7 can often change to by dropping one nation to include Germany, a Scandinavian country, or other nations not mentioned here. The top three do not change.


I first found wikipedia when searching for wicca on Google. That was about 2004 and I've been addicted ever since. I come on the site every day and regularly contribute to it; as well as Wiktionary and Wikitravel. I have created a few full pages and completely re-written the Sommersby film page. Most of my contributions can be found in my interest areas. Even though I use wikipedia everyday, I very often forget to sign in...oops! Most recently I have completely reworked the Icelandic phrasebook in Wikitravel [2] give it a look.