Abraham Wieling

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Abraham Wieling

Abraham Wieling (born November 1693 in Hamm , † January 10, 1746 in Utrecht ) was a German legal scholar.


No information is available about Wieling's ancestry and family relationships during his childhood. It is certain that he attended the academic high school in Hamm in 1710, where Wilhelm Neuhaus and Friedrich Georg Ernst Montanus prepared him for a theological course. After he had defended two papers there, he enrolled on September 2, 1713 at the University of Duisburg , where Bernard Heinrich Reinhold (1677-1726) and Everhadus Otto were his teachers. In 1718 he continued his studies at the University of Marburg , where Johann Friedrich Homberg (1673–1748) was his formative teacher.

After completing his studies at German universities, he became a professor at the grammar school in Gouda in 1721, and in the same year he received the honoris causa degree of doctor of law from the law faculty of the University of Rinteln . In 1722 he moved to the grammar school in Amsterdam as prorector . On September 4, 1727, the curators of the University of Franeker offered him the professorship of Roman civil law as successor to Johann Gottlieb Heineccius , which he took up on March 3, 1728 with the speech de natura una omnis juris ac virtutis norma (Franeker 1728). After he became rector of the Franeker Hochschule in 1736/37 and had rejected several appointments to German universities, he switched to the professorship of constitutional law in Franeker on March 13, 1738.

On May 4, 1739, the curators of the University of Utrecht appointed him professor of civil and feudal law , which he took up on September 14, 1739 with the speech Pro glossatoribus . After he had also participated in the organizational tasks of the Utrecht University as rector of the Alma Mater in 1740/41 , he switched to a professorship in public and Roman law on July 22, 1743, which he held on October 21, 1743 with the speech De iustitia sanctionis pragmaticae divi Caroli VI. imp. aug. oratio altera . In that office he worked until the end of his life.

Wieling had made a name for himself primarily as the author of numerous legal manuals and through legal treatises.

Works (selection)

  • Diatribu de furto per lancem et licium concepto. Marburg 1719
  • Dissertatio de iure antiquo vitae et necis parentum in liberos. Amsterdam 1724
  • Aanteekeningen op Terentius, the voorkomen in de uitgaaf van Westerhovius. Hagae Comit. 1726
  • Jurisprudentia restituta, see Index chronologicus in totum Juris Justianei corpus; ad modum Jacobi Labitii, Antonii Augustini et W. Freymonii. Accesserunt Opuscula IV in usum Auditorum. Animadversiones passim adjecit Mr. Wieling. JUD et Prorector. Amsterdam 1727
  • Oratio inauguralis de Naturâ, unâ omnis Juris ac Virtutis norma, habita ad III martii 1728. Franeker 1728
  • Jurisprudentiae Justineaneae secundum IV Institutionum libros Specimina, nec non Selecta Juris controversi capita ex LX Pandect. Tit. I. Franeker 1728
  • Dissertation de Justiniano et Theodorâ. Franeker 1729.
  • Commentationes ad Auditores snos de Lege Furia Testamentaria, de Lege Voconiâ, de Edictis Praetorum perpetuis, de Edictis translatitiis, de Lege annua, de Servii Sulpitii et Auli Ofilii, nec non Marci, Antistii Labeonis ad Edictum libris. Franeker 1729, 1730, 1731
  • Fragmenta Edicti Perpetui. Franeker 1753
  • Repetitio Institutionum Juris Civilis. Accedunt Justiniani Constitutio omnem, Edmundi Merillii Oratio de tempore in studiis Juris prorogando et Joannis Gottlob Heineccii Oratio de Jurisconsultis semidoetis. Franeker 1733
  • Positiones Juris Naturae et Gentium Grotianae ad Librum I cum Notis. Franeker 1734.
  • Lectionum Juris civilis Libri II, in quibus vulgata quorundam capitum scripturae defenditur. Amsterdam 1736
  • Oratio de funebris jurisprudentiae regundis. Franeker 1737
  • Doctrina Prooemii Institutionum. Franeker 1737
  • Doctrina Pandectarum Juris Civilis ad LI Tit. I et II. Franeker 1737.
  • Animadversa de Romano Germanorum imperio. Franeker 1768-1739.
  • Oratio per Glossatoribus, habita Trajecti ad XIV Septemb. 1739. Utrecht 1739.
  • Oratio de Sanctione Pragmatica Caroli VI Imperatoris. Utrecht 1740, 1743.
  • Twee redevoeringen over de Pragmatyke Sanctie van keizer Karel VI, uit het Latijn vertaald door VJ Blondeel, doctor in de Filosofie en kandidaat in de rights. Amsterdam 1743
  • Oratio de Logomachiis Jurisconsult. Utrecht 1744


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