Achilles Renaud

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Achilles Renaud

Achilles Renaud (born August 14, 1819 in Lausanne , † June 5, 1884 in Heidelberg ) was a Swiss legal scholar.


Renaud came from an old aristocratic Huguenot family who was expelled from France after the edict of Nantes was repealed and who emigrated to French- speaking Switzerland . Renaud's father was a Reformed clergyman in Lausanne and Bern . After graduating from high school in Bern, Achilles Renaud studied law at the University of Bern , the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin . His teachers were Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut , Friedrich Carl von Savigny and Karl Adolph von Vangerow. In Heidelberg he became a member of the Corps Helvetia in 1841. After the "excellent" exam and the doctorate to Dr. iur. in Heidelberg he went to Paris for half a year . There he wrote his first legal work. It determined his life path. The Bern government appointed him as a private lecturer at the University of Bern and shortly afterwards appointed him associate professor . In addition to French civil law, he read French state and legal history, French civil procedural law and German private and canon law. In 1848 Renaud was appointed full professor at the Hessian Ludwig University , where he held lectures on German private law, German civil procedural law and French civil law until 1851. In 1851, Renaud was offered a professorship at the University of Heidelberg, to which he belonged for 33 years until his death.

Renaud's contributions to bill of exchange law and commercial law , especially company law , were decisive. He was considered one of the greatest law teachers at German universities. His lectures were attended by almost 10,000 listeners and established the excellent reputation of the Heidelberg Faculty of Law.

Honors and honorary positions


  • Textbook of common German private law , 1848
  • Law of corporations , 1st edition 1863, 2nd edition 1875
  • Civil procedural law , 1866
  • Textbook on German private law , Volume I
  • Law of the command partnerships , 1881
  • with Paul Laband: The silent society , 1885
  • Criticism of the draft of a Reich law concerning the stock corporations and the Commanditgesellschaft auf Stockien (Busch's archive for commercial and bill of exchange law, vol. 45)
  • Textbook of common German civil procedural law with regard to the new civil procedural legislation. The Ordinary Civil Trial , 1st ed. 1867, 2nd ed. 1873
  • On the doctrine of jurisdiction . Journal for German Civil Proceß, Vol. V, pp. 1 ff.


  • Theodor HergenhahnRenaud, Achilles . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 28, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1889, pp. 203-207.
  • Busch: Obituary for Renaud . Journal for German Civil Trials, Vol. VIII
  • Felix Hecht: Obituary for Renaud . Journal for all commercial law by Goldschmidt (vol. XXXI), with a complete list of publications by Renaud

Web links

Commons : Achilles Renaud  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 115/139.
  2. La mort civile en France, par suite de condamnations judiciaires, son origine et son développement , Paris 1843