Aristocratic Franconian

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Aristocratic Franconian
Synonyms Green Adelfränkisch - for more see section Synonyms
Art Grape vine ( Vitis vinifera subsp. Vinifera )
Berry color White
origin Germany
VIVC no. 23324

Cross of
Traminer ×

List of grape varieties

Adelfränkisch is a late-ripening white wine variety and not a grape variety classified in the EU , in Germany without a registered breeding clone, i.e. currently only approved as a quality wine in trial cultivation. The grape variety was considered to be extinct until 2007 and was accepted as a synonym of the White Traminer in 1990 , but this turned out to be wrong. The reason for this was Pierre Galet's lack of knowledge of German , although August Wilhelm von Babo had already classified him correctly in terms of relatives in 1866 . It is a natural cross of Traminer × unknown variety and impresses with good grape ripeness and robustness as well as a noble wine aroma.

Origin and Distribution

This historical grape variety comes from Germany with its current variety specifics . Like Riesling , Adelfränkisch is one of the grape varieties that can be identified and established in the Dacish- Moravian Carpathian region well before the Christian era .

This extremely rare grape variety was grown in the Steigerwald on Keuper in a mixed set with Elbling , Silvaner , Kleinberger , Riesling and Lagler . Of these, around 150 plants still exist today. There are also real-root vines in the eastern Taubertal , on the Nahe on loamy red sandstone and on the Hessian Bergstrasse . Recently it has also been cultivated in Rheinhessen .

The distribution is subject to the two institutes Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Federal Research Institute for Cultivated Plants, Institute for Vine Breeding Geilweilerhof near Siebeldingen and the Bavarian State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture (BLW) in Veitshöchheim .


Synonyms for Adelfränkisch are Grüner Adelfränkisch, Kleinfränkisch and Weißfränkisch. However, it is not identical to the varieties Grünling or Traminer , i.e. Adelfranke or Adelfranke Blanche.


Its upright growth and very strong wood and foliage, which can still regenerate in old age, are symptomatic. The surface of their leaves is reminiscent of cowhide. Its growth marks it as a very hardy grape variety. The berries, similar to the Silvaner , are small, green-gray and elliptical, but form loose berries, relatively small, cylindrical grapes, sometimes with small secondary grapes. The berries are surrounded by a hard shell and reach a good ripeness, which often reaches 100 degrees Oechsle and more and then still has an acidity of 10 g / l . They have no tendency to noble rot ; even ice wine will not be able to be made from noble Franconian.


The grape variety is described as a full-bodied, slightly fruity wine that has good storage potential due to its acid structure.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Andreas Jung : Old Vineyards - Old Grape Varieties: Insights into a completely different winemaking tradition, part 1. Original corked, August 7, 2015
  2. a b c d Noble variety in the Middle Ages . Green noble Franconian on