Adolf Brodbeck

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Adolf Brodbeck (born September 29, 1858 in Liestal ; † February 4, 1937 there , reformed , entitled to live in Liestal) was a Swiss politician (FDP) .


Adolf Brodbeck was the son of Liestal on September 29, 1858 pastor and Baselbieter Governing Johann Jakob Brodbeck and Anna Zeller born into the world. The graduate of the pedagogy in Basel began studying law at the Universities of Basel , Strasbourg and Leipzig , which he completed with the academic degree of Dr. iur. completed.

As a result, he opened a law firm in Liestal in 1883. To this end, he was the first clerk of the higher court between 1889 and 1890, and was then appointed public prosecutor for the canton of Baselland until 1897 . He was also a member of the SBBG's board of directors for 18 years . He also wrote legal articles for the Basellandschaftliche Zeitung .

In 1892 Adolf Brodbeck married Maria Martha, born Dettwiler, who was born in Langenbruck . He died on February 4, 1937, four months after he had turned 78 in Liestal.

Political activity

Adolf Brodbeck initially acted as president of the Liestal municipal commission before he was elected to the government council of the canton of Basel-Landschaft in 1897, where he sat until 1922. There he was the judicial and military directorate until 1902 and again from 1917, in between the building directorate. In addition, he served as President of the Government Council from 1900 to 1901, 1905 to 1906, 1910 to 1911, 1915 to 1916 and 1919 to 1920.

During his tenure as construction director, the construction of the Rheinkraftwerk Wyhlen and the Augst lock , several narrow-gauge railways and the Hauenstein base line of the SBB as well as the first adaptations of the roads to car traffic took place. Adolf Brodbeck belonged to the so-called government freedom, which merged in 1910 to form the democratic-economic association. In addition, he was assigned to Liestal's field commander.

See also


  • Arnold Seiler-Rosenmund: Family tree of the civil families of Liestal 1, 1908, p. 19; 2, 1958, p. 22
  • Basellandschaftliche Zeitung of February 4 and 6, 1937

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