Adolf Kaufmann

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Adolf Kaufmann (born May 15, 1848 in Troppau , Austrian Silesia , † November 25, 1916 in Vienna ) was an Austrian landscape and marine painter .


Adolf Kaufmann: Autumn moor landscape
Neue Freie Presse Vienna
September 22, 1898
Adolf Kaufmann: The berry collector

The landscape and marine painter was initially self-taught , completed his studies with Emile van Marcke de Lummen (1827–1890) in Paris and undertook numerous study trips within Europe and through the Orient. He lived alternately in Paris, the city that exerted a special fascination on him, in Berlin , Düsseldorf and Munich . After Germany he traveled to Russia , Norway , Poland and Holland .

In 1890 he finally settled in Vienna, founded around 1900 in his studio - in Vienna's IV. District , Weyringergasse 7 - together with the Austrian landscape painter Carl Freiherr von Merode (1853–1909) and Heinrich Lefler a “painting school for women”, in which he gave art lessons to his students. Throughout his life he kept returning to Paris and traveling to Normandy , Brittany and Belgium . In France he signed with the pseudonym A. Guyot.

Adolf Kaufmann was influenced by the French paysage intimate , the Barbizon school . Artists he met around 1870 had a lasting impact on Adolf Kaufmann's painting style. He turned out to be a very good observer of nature. In his motifs he preferred mostly high-contrast, color-intensive, atmospheric depictions of forests, trees, streams and small ponds, into which he often preferred, typical for him, to insert individuals.

Due to his outstanding talent, Kaufmann soon enjoyed a great reputation in Paris. He received numerous medals as awards and honors, especially on the occasion of the Paris World Exhibition . Numerous art lovers bought his paintings. As a member of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts from 1890 to 1913, he was often represented at the major exhibitions in the Vienna Künstlerhaus , the Munich Glass Palace and the Great Berlin Art Exhibition . The Viennese society was also enthusiastic about his works. In 1909 he became a full member of the Vienna Künstlerhaus. In 1910 he traveled to Holland, in 1912 to Amsterdam and South Tyrol. In 1913 he traveled again to Holland and then to Norway, where his fjord pictures were taken. In 1914 he made his last trip to Northern Italy.

Adolf Kaufmann's works were often acquired by representatives of the high aristocracy. The Austrian imperial family, Napoleon III , owned or owned paintings by the artist . , Crown Princess Stephanie , Archduke Friedrich , Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Queen Isabella II of Spain and the Grand Ducal Painting Collection Baden-Baden . These works are now represented in numerous collections and museums, including the Troppau Museum, the Istanbul Art Museum and the Leopold Museum in Vienna. Numerous pictures clearly attributed to the artist are signed by him using a pseudonym. (Besides A. Guyot, A. Kaufmann used other names, such as: A. Papouschek; Widmar; G. Salvi; A. Jarptmann; R. Neiber; Tietz; J. Rollin; M. Bandouch; L. Bayer or L. Bauer. )


  • Anna Ahrens / Lisa Hackmann: Kaufmann, Adolf (pseud .: A. Guyot, among others) In: Savoy, Bénédicte and Nerlich, France (eds.): Paris apprenticeship years. A lexicon for training German painters in the French capital. Volume 2: 1844-1870. Berlin / Boston 2015.
  • Heinrich Fuchs: The Austrian Painters of the 19th Century , Vienna 1973, Volume 2, K 102
  • Merchant Adolf. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 3, Publishing House of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1965, p. 269 f. (Direct links on p. 269 , p. 270 ).

Web links

Commons : Adolf Kaufmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files