Adolf Williard

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Parish Church of St. Cäcilia in Östringen
Interior of St. Johannes in Forbach

Adolf Williard (born November 11, 1832 in Karlsruhe ; † February 26, 1923 there ) was a German architect , building officer and director of the Catholic Archbishop's Building Office in Karlsruhe.


As an architect, Adolf Williard was a student of Heinrich Hübsch and Friedrich Eisenlohr . In Italy he studied the Renaissance architecture of Andrea Palladio , whose model he was later to use in some of his own church buildings . Stylistically, he is a representative of historicism . After completing his studies in 1855 and his state examination three years later, he was a member of the Karlsruhe-Pforzheim Railway Building Inspection. From 1863 to 1868 he was the acting director of the Grand Ducal Building Commission in Mannheim, among other things, responsible for the construction of several school houses and workers' houses. In 1869 he took over the management of the Archbishop's Building Office in Karlsruhe. By the time he retired in 1893, he built 22 churches in the vicinity of Karlsruhe and in Ortenau. In 1894 Williard became chairman of the Baden Architects and Engineers Association. As a member of the Center Party , he was a member of the Karlsruhe city ​​council from 1896 to 1908 .




  • Simone Engleder: The Baden church builder Adolf Williard (1832–1923). Verlagshaus Mainz GmbH, Aachen 2000, ISBN 3-89653-787-3 .

Web links

Commons : Adolf Williard  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Marco Wagner: Adolf Williard. In: Stadtlexikon. Karlsruhe City Archives , accessed on December 11, 2019 .
  2. Werner Wolf-Holzäpfel: Catholic church building in Mannheim from 1874 until today. On the history of sacred buildings in North Baden in the 19th and 20th centuries. Mannheim 1999, ISBN 3-926260-45-9 , p. 87.
  3. ^ Katja Förster: St. Peter and Paul in Mühlburg. In: Stadtlexikon. Karlsruhe City Archives , accessed on December 11, 2019 .