Adolf von Tschirschnitz

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Adolf Friedrich Traugott von Tschirschnitz (born November 12, 1837 in Nienburg / Weser ; † September 19, 1911 in Flensburg ) was a secret councilor and district administrator of the Sønderborg district .

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Adolf Friedrich Traugott of Tschirschnitz was a son of 1856 ennobled General Wilhelm von Tschirschnitz and his wife Louise Amalie Auguste, born Bock of Wülfingen (1800-1861). He attended the lyceum in Hanover and the court school there . In 1854 he entered the first class of the Hanover Cadet Corps . A year later he was appointed Portepeefähnrich with the 1st Jäger Battalion in Goslar , shortly afterwards to a lieutenant .

From November 1863 to November 1864 von Tschirschnitz participated as a Hanoverian guard hunter in the federal execution against the duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg . In 1866 he took part in the campaign against Prussia and the battle of Langensalza . After Prussia annexed Hanover , he emigrated to Holland and was one of the founders of the Welf Legion . There he lived ready for Georg V. Then he went to Germany and entered the administrative preparatory service under Jonas von Rosen in the Hadersleben district .

In 1878 he moved to the district of Rendsburg as provisional parish bailiff . A year later he was appointed provisional district administrator of Sønderborg . On October 14, 1881 he took over the post of district administrator of the district of the same name.

During his tenure as district administrator, von Tschirschnitz was confronted with the conflicts between Prussians and Danes about the national affiliation of the region. During the term of office of Oberpräsident Ernst von Köller , who pursued a policy of Germanization , von Tschirschnitz expressed himself very briskly and authoritarian towards supporters of the Danes. Even if this met with some resistance from his superiors, he held office until 1911. On the occasion of his departure, he received the Crown Order II. Class.

The Danes judged von Tschirschnitz's administration differently: while they repeatedly criticized him for his aggressive behavior, he received high praise from other people. Hans Peter Hanssen, for example, said that von Tschirschnitz was open and honest. Irrespective of political positions, he always tried to implement the applicable law in the circle.

In 1899 von Tschirschnitz received the title of a secret government councilor . His estate is in the Lower Saxony State Archives in Hanover .


On July 20, 1876, von Tschirschnitz married Ida von Issendorf (1848–1879) in Bassum , with whom he had the sons William (1877–1879) and Ludwig (* 1878) and Adolf (* 1879). In his second marriage, Tschirschnitz married Josephine von Baudissin (1842–1932) on April 3, 1886 in Augustenborg .


  • Kai Detlev Sievers: Tschirschnitz, Adolf Friedrich Traugott from. In: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon. Volume 2, Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1971, pp. 231–232.
  • Handbook of the Prussian Nobility. First volume, ES Mittler & Sohn , Berlin 1892, pp. 577-578.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bernhard von PotenTschirschnitz, Wilhelm von . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 38, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1894, p. 725 f.
  2. NLA HA Hann. 91 Tschirschnitz II