Adolph Leopold Richter

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Adolph Leopold Richter (born June 29, 1798 in Sagan ; † May 26, 1876 in Düsseldorf ) was a Prussian military doctor and scientific writer. His son is the progressive politician and publicist Eugen Richter .


Even the son of a Prussian military doctor, Adolph Leopold began his medical studies in 1814 at the Friedrich Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, where he began working on De usu cataplasmatum acrium Kerndlii ad bubones syphiliticos curandos in 1821 . doctorate in medicine. At times he worked at the Berlin Charité . In 1829 he took up the service as a Prussian regimental doctor in Düsseldorf and was promoted to general doctor of the 8th Army Corps in Koblenz in 1848 , when he took part in the 1849 campaign in Baden . Richter was married to Bertha Maurenbrecher (1810–1868). He received the Red Eagle Order, fourth class. In 1861 he was adopted at his own request.

He then turned to scientific writing. As his son Eugen Richter stated:

“In the second half of his life, however, he devoted his main interest to the reform of the military medical system and worked here as an energetic pioneer of progress, not just in the area of ​​his official position (until 1848 regimental doctor in Düsseldorf, from 1848 to 1861 general doctor in Koblenz), but mainly as a writer. "

He was not deterred by the repressive environment either:

"As far as I know, he was the only Prussian military doctor who, in the pre-March period, dared to publicly castigate the existing abuses in the military medical system in magazines and brochures under his name, in particular the replacement of the company surgeon that had emerged from the old fieldwork (10 Thaler monthly and commissary bread ) by scientifically trained doctors. "

During the revolution of 1848 , Adolph Leopold Richter suggested reforms:

“When the year 1848 sparked the Reformation fervor in all areas of public life, my father, who was then a regimental doctor for the Uhlans in Düsseldorf, wrote a pamphlet“ What measures does Prussia have to take in military medical matters at this moment? ” of this writing an interpellation in the National Assembly in Berlin on July 18, 1848. "

Even in response , he continued to advocate reforms:

“In 1854 my father insisted in a pamphlet that transport companies should be prepared for the war wounded. At first, however, the decision was only made to set up a single company for each army corps in the event of war. My father dictated articles to me for the public papers in which he raised the question of whether only the wounded officers should be brought back from the battlefield. "

In 1860 Adolph Leopold Richter published a detailed history of the Prussian military medical system. After he retired in 1861, he moved back from Koblenz to Düsseldorf. There he founded the Association for the Care of Wounded in War in 1866. In 1868 there followed a pamphlet on the aid of the peoples to care for those wounded in war.

Through his work, Adolph Leopold Richter was a pioneer in the reform of Prussian military medicine. This earned him the recognition of his colleagues. As his son Eugen Richter remembered:

“In the circles of military doctors, the more my colleagues had previously left him to forge the iron, the more thankful they were to my father. The deputations, serenades from doctors, the consecutive addresses and festivities as a sign of recognition made a lasting impression on us boys. Where in the boyhood our own understanding was not enough, the mother explained to us the efforts and merits of the father as a model for our own later life. "

This came after long efforts that repeatedly encountered resistance:

“With the intimate family life in our parents' house, we did not fail to hide the great personal sacrifices, as well as the manifold defenses, insults and hostilities, which are inseparable from every public activity, even if it is so purely and purely dedicated to the cause in the service of the fatherland is like it was always the case with my father. "


Adolph Leopold Richter was a member of numerous scientific associations as a member, honorary member or correspondent:

  • Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian Academy of Natural Scientists
  • Academy of Sciences in Erfurt
  • Association for medicine in Prussia
  • Association of the Fellows and Licentiates of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland
  • Hufeland's Medical-Surgical Society
  • Societé academique de Medecine de Marseille
  • Medical-surgical societies in Bruges, Copenhagen, Dijon, Edinburgh, Leipzig, Lisbon, Lyon, Metz, Münster and Zurich
  • Societies for natural science and medicine in Bonn, Brussels, Dresden, Erlangen and Marburg
  • Philosophical-Medical Society of Würzburg
  • Natural research society in Halle and Mainz
  • Senkenberg'sche Society in Frankfurt am Main
  • Wetterauische society for all natural history
  • Westphalian and Silesian Society for the Promotion of Patriotic Culture
  • Medical Association of Hamburg and Munich
  • Association of Großherzoglich-Badenscher medical officials for the promotion of state medicine
  • Association for natural history in the Herzogthume Nassau
  • Association for history and antiquity in Westphalia
  • Association of Pharmacists in Northern Germany


  • De usu cataplasmatum acrium Kerndlii ad bubones syphiliticos curandos. Univ., Diss. Berolini, 1821.
  • The necrosis: pathologically and therapeutically recognized. Commission of the Nicolaische Buchhandl., 1825.
  • Theoretical-practical manual of the doctrine of fractures and dislocations of bones. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1828. eBook in Google book search
  • Children's Water Cancer: A Monograph. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1828.
  • 40 lithographed tables with explanation and explanation of the same, for the theoretical-practical handbook of the doctrine of the fractures and dislocations of bones. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1828.
  • Treatises from the field of practical medicine and surgery. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1832. eBook in the Google book search
  • Textbook of fractures and dislocations of bones. For use by students. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1833.
  • The seaside resorts on Norderney, Wangeroog and Helgoland. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1833. eBook in the Google book search
  • Comments on the children's fire. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1834.
  • The experienced spa doctor. Tendler, 1834.
  • The endermic method, tested for its effectiveness through a series of experiments. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1835.
  • Instructions on how to avoid the waste of medicine and how to act in the interests of the state in the treatment of the sick at public expense, especially for military doctors. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1839.
  • The organic bone diseases. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1839.
  • The reform of the medical staff of the Royal. Prussian Army. Verlag von Theod. Christian. Fried. Enslin, Berlin 1844. eBook in the Google book search
  • The institute of the surgeons' assistants or nurses: a humanitarian institution of the royal family. Preuss. Armée and a need for all armies in peace and war. Buddeus, 1847. eBook in Google book search
  • Assessment of the report of the commission appointed by the War Ministry to initiate a reform of the military medical system. Büchting, Nordhausen 1849.
  • Clearance of Dr. Bournye in Düsseldorf. Büchting, Nordhausen 1849.
  • About the organization of the field Lazareth being and of transport companies for the wounded. Marcus, Bonn 1854.
  • The military-medicinal nature of Prussia: presented according to the needs of the present. Eduard Zernin, Darmstadt & Leipzig 1867. eBook in the Google book search, digitized edition
  • The aid of the peoples for the care of the wounded and sick in wars, and their organization. Stuttgart 1868.
  • Together with Friedrich von Esmarch: Advice for the aid clubs, concerning the acquisition and processing of aids for the war hospitals. 1868.
  • Dr. Airy's natural healing method or safe guidance. Richter's publishing house, 1879.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eugen Richter: Jugenderinnerungen, Berlin 1893, page 13
  2. Eugen Richter: Jugenderinnerungen, Berlin 1893, page 14
  3. ^ Eugen Richter: Jugenderinnerungen, Berlin 1893, page 15
  4. ^ Eugen Richter: Jugenderinnerungen, Berlin 1893, p. 16.
  5. ^ Eugen Richter: Jugenderinnerungen, Berlin 1893, pp. 17–18.
  6. Eugen Richter: Jugenderinnerungen, Berlin 1893, p. 18.