Agnolo Firenzuola

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Agnolo Firenzuola

Agnolo Firenzuola (actually Michelangelo Girolamo Giovannini ; born September 28, 1493 in Florence , † June 27, 1543 in Prato ) was an Italian poet. His stage name came from the place where his family came from, Firenzuola , a small town at the foot of the Apennines .


Firenzuola first studied law in Siena , where he met the writer Claudio Tolomei , who influenced him above all on the question of Italian literary language ( questione della lingua ), and to whom he dedicated his famous work on the beauty of women ( della bellezza delle donne ) . During his subsequent studies in Perugia in 1515/16 he met the poet Pietro Aretino . In 1524 his first work, Distaccamento de le lettere inutilmente agguinte ne la lingua toscana , appeared, in which he opposed Gian Giorgio Trissino's plans to reform the Italian language . The work was presented by Aretino to Pope Clement VII and Pietro Bembo and thus contributed to the author's fame.

After Firenzuola had joined the order of the Vallombrosans - a side branch of the Benedictines - he came to the papal court as the order's ambassador, but devoted himself more to secular life. In Rome he met some of the most famous writers of his time, such as Francesco Berni , Giovanni Della Casa , Annibale Caro and Francesco Maria Molza . In 1534, suffering from syphilis, he moved back to Florence and finally to Prato, where he became abbot of the monastery of San Salvatore near Vaiano . Here he devoted himself to his studies and founded the Accademia dell'Adaccio . He died impoverished and forgotten in Prato in 1543.

Inspired by Aretino and Boccaccio , Firenzuola wrote comedies and short stories in popular and lively language, in which he often adapted classical themes. He also gave a free translation of Apuleius ' novel "Metamorphoses or The Golden Donkey" ( L'Asino d'oro ). However, many of his works were only published after his death.


  • Prose di Agnolo Firenzuola , Florence 1548.
  • Dialogo delle bellezze delle donne 1548 ( German : Conversations about the beauty of women , translated by Paul Seliger, Leipzig, Hegner, 1910).
  • Rime , Florence 1549.
  • Fatini, Giuseppe (ed.), Agnolo Firenzuola: Opere scelte , Turin, UTET, 1957.


  • E. Ciafardini: Agnolo Firenzuola , in: Rivista d'Italia 15 (1912), 3-46; 881-946.
  • G. Fatini: Agnolo Firenzuola e la borghesia letterata del Rinascimento , Cortona 1907.
  • Adriano Seroni: Bibliografia essenziale delle opere del Firenzuola , in: Amor di Libro 5 (1957), 3–9; 97-103.

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