Academy on the lake

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The academy on the lake. Koppelsberg is a state-recognized institution for further education at the Großer Plöner See in the sponsorship of the association Ev. Landvolkshochschule Koppelsberg eV and offers around 200 cross-generational seminars, advanced training courses and educational leave for all social groups every year .


Koppelsberg (1958)

In the tradition of home folk high schools , which have their origins in Denmark , the association "Evangelical Lutheran Adult Education Center in Schleswig-Holstein eV" was founded in 1954 with the aim of establishing and maintaining a rural community college . After the official opening of the Evangelical Lutheran Landvolk University of Koppelsberg in the same year, the first course initially took place in the building of the evangelical youth home of the Hintersten Wache , which still exists today . In 1958 the foundation stone for the school building was laid, in whose east wing the first summer course could take place the following year, before the entire school building was inaugurated in 1961. After the last winter course came to an end in 1970, the Landvolk-Hochschule started with a new educational concept and was given a new name in 1972 with the Evangelical Lutheran Landvolkshochschule Koppelsberg . In 1994 the name was changed again to Evangelische Landvolkshochschule Koppelsberg (ELK). Since then, this has been working as a market-oriented educational institution, financially and personally separated from the former North Elbian Church . In 1999, the association bought the school property for a symbolic mark from the North Elbe Church and began extensive modernization work and a new building in the following year, which was completed in 2000. In 2003, the previous school was transformed into what is today the Akademie am See. Renamed Koppelsberg . Due to the announced extensive cuts by the state government of Schleswig-Holstein in the education sector, the existence of the association was threatened in 2010. Nevertheless, the academy was energetically renovated and received not only a new kitchen and new windows, but also a combined heat and power unit. The Academy was reopened in 2010 in the presence of Education Minister Ekkehard Klug and in the following year 2011 it had over 10,000 participant days. Due to the nationwide restrictions caused by the corona virus , the academy had to temporarily stop its conference operations in spring 2020, but developed new formats during this time. In addition, extensive construction and modernization projects were prepared.

Development-related educational work in the countryside

As a result of controversial development policy debates between representatives of agriculture and church organizations, with the help of the Committee for Development-Related Educational Work and Journalism (APB) of the Evangelical Church in Germany and the Committee for Church World Service of the North Elbe Church (AKWD), the model project Development- Related Educational Work was established from 1982 to 1988 initiated in the country at the rural adult education center Koppelsberg (LVHS) . In addition to the critical reflection on international surplus production , the challenges of the Schleswig-Holstein rural area were compared with the living situation in an Indian partner project . It was also about becoming aware of the educational disadvantage and the risk of poverty in rural Schleswig-Holstein and taking countermeasures. As a result of this model project under the direction of Helmut Bublies, specific demands for fighting poverty and social security for the rural population were formulated and the educational work of the Schleswig-Holstein rural youth association was permanently changed and shaped. Cooperation and continuity became central cornerstones of educational work in rural youth.

Self-image and focus

As a state-recognized further education institution, the academy sees itself as a non-denominational and cross-party educational institution for youth, adult and family education and, with its seminars, would like to encourage people to share responsibility for the community, society and the state structure with its seminars in ecumenical openness and responsibility. Their educational offers are aimed at people of different cultural, religious and social origins. They should enable people to think, decide and act independently and responsibly in public and private life. The focus is on the encouragement and targeted support of volunteers or people who are interested in volunteering.

Center for Citizen Engagement

The "Center for Citizen Engagement" is a separate branch of activity. The aim of the center is to enable people to stand up for their own interests by strengthening their self-empowerment and helping to shape them. This also includes improving the opportunities for people with intellectual and psychological disabilities.

Koppelsberg family center

In the work area of ​​the family center, the living situation of single parents and families with many children is particularly taken into account. Gender-specific offers for women and girls reduce their disadvantages and improve their living conditions. The Akademie am See supports their social integration through offers for families with a migration background.

Ecological workshop

By awakening a deeper understanding of nature, the academy advocates the preservation of the natural environment and active climate protection in the ecological workshop. The focus is on the development of future and sustainable models of life.

Support structure and management

The registered association Ev. Landvolkshochschule Koppelsberg eV supports, promotes and maintains the “akademie am see. Koppelsberg ". He works with other educational institutions such as, for example, the regional association of adult education centers in Schleswig-Holstein, in order to strengthen their own educational goals and to network them socially. Every three years, the annual general meeting elects a new board of directors with at least five, but no more than twelve members. The management of the academy is transferred to an academy management employed by the association. The literary scholar Ute Klünder has taken over the management of the academy since 2015. In 2017 she received the power of attorney to be an executive director of the academy. The seminar leaders come from a wide variety of educational areas, mostly from Schleswig-Holstein, and are educators , photographers , historians , natural scientists , designers , publicists , theologians , yoga teachers or personality coaches .

Personalities associated with the academy

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Anja Flehmig, Enjoyment of Education and Eating at the Akademie am See. Koppelsberg my Plönerseeblick 8/2019 p. 9.
  2. From the rural community college to the academy on the lake. Chronicle accessed on July 22, 2020.
  3. Orly Röhlk new start in the Akademie am See Report in Ostholsteiner Anzeiger accessed on July 22, 2020.
  4. Frank Kürschner-Pelkmann: Justice, Peace and Protection of Creation . 30 years of the Committee for Church World Services in Northern Elbe , Ammersbek 2009, p. 35.
  5. Helmut Bublies: New poverty in rural areas , Plön 1986, pp. 32–35.
  6. Frank Kürschner-Pelkmann: Justice, Peace and Protection of Creation . 30 Years Committee for Church World Services in Northern Elbe , Ammersbek 2009, p. 36.
  7. Statutes of the sponsoring association, purpose and goal, accessed on July 22, 2020.
  8. Schleswig-Holstein Landtag - 15th electoral period Report of the state government on political education 2004 Printed matter 15/3734 p. 43 accessed on July 22, 2020.
  9. Schleswig-Holsteinischer Landtag - 15th electoral period Report of the state government on political education 2004 Printed matter 15/3734 p. 44 accessed on July 22, 2020.
  10. Purpose and aim accessed on July 22, 2020.
  11. From the rural community college to the academy on the lake. Chronicle accessed on July 22, 2020.
  12. Anja Flehmig, Enjoyment of Education and Eating at the Akademie am See. Koppelsberg my Plönerseeblick 8/2019 p. 9