Alain Guillermou

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Alain Guillermou (* 2. January 1913 in Toulon , † 24. October 1998 in Paris ) was a French linguist , Rumänist , voice nurses and translators.

life and work

University career

Guillermou attended high schools in Nice and Paris ( Lycée Louis-le-Grand ). He studied at the École normal supérieure , passed the Agrégation de lettres classiques, was a high school teacher in Nice, Vanves and Neuilly-sur-Seine and from 1948 taught Romanian at the Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales . He completed his habilitation in 1959 with the works Essai sur la syntaxe des propositions subordonnées dans le roumain littéraire contemporain (Paris 1962) and La genèse intérieure des poésies d'Eminescu (Paris 1963; Romanian: Ias̡i 1977) and was professor for until his retirement in 1978 Romanian at the Sorbonne .

Language maintenance of French

From 1952 to 1974 Guillermou was editor (with Jacques Duron ) and editor-in-chief of the language care journal Vie et Langage . He was also general secretary of the Office du Vocabulaire Français (OVF) founded by Jacques Duron in 1957 , from which the Fédération du Français Universel emerged in 1963 , which (with Guillermou as president until 1995, then Roland Eluerd) organized the French language biennials from 1965 ( Namur 1965, Quebec 1967, Liège 1969, Menton 1971, Dakar 1973, Echternach 1975, Moncton 1977, Jersey 1979, Lausanne / Aostatal 1981, Lisbon 1983, Tours 1985, Marrakech 1987, Quebec 1989, Lafayette 1991, Avignon 1993, Bucharest 1995, Neuchâtel 1997, Ouagadougou 1999, Ottawa / Hull 2001, La Rochelle 2003, Brussels 2005, Dakar 2007, Sofia 2009, Tallinn 2011, Bordeaux 2013). From 1966 to 1972 he was a member of the Haut Comité de la Langue Française .

In 1967 Guillermou founded the Conseil International de la Langue Française (CILF), which still exists today with important editorial and organizational activities, as well as other journals: Foi et Langage (1976–1982) and La France en Français (1978–1981). From 1973 to 1998 he kept a puristic linguistic chronicle in the daily Nice Matin .


Guillermou translated the Apocalypse from Greek, Lermontov from Russian, Mircea Eliade and Liviu Rebreanu from Romanian, and Ignatius von Loyola from Spanish.


Guillermou was an honorary doctor of the University of Bucharest (1996) and an officer in the Legion of Honor . In 1966 he received the Grand prix du rayonnement français from the Académie française .

Other works

  • Manuel de langue roumaine , Paris 1953, 2003
  • La vie de saint Ignace de Loyola , Paris 1956
  • Saint Ignace de Loyola , Paris 1957
  • St Ignace de Loyola et la Compagnie de Jésus , Paris 1960, 1965, 1991, 2007 (German: Ignatius von Loyola , Reinbek 1962, 1993)
  • (Ed.) Textes d'étude en langue roumaine , Paris 1960
  • Les Jésuites , Paris 1961, 1963, 1975, 1988, 1992, 2010 (Que sais-je? 936; Spanish: Barcelona 1970; Portuguese: Lisbon 1977; Croatian: Zagreb 1992)
  • Le Livre des saints et des prénoms , Paris 1976
  • Au jardin des noms de famille , Digne-les-Bains 1993


  • Le Monde October 28, 1998 (obituary)
  • Richard Baum, On the problem of norms in contemporary French, in: The French language of today , ed. by Franz Josef Hausmann, Darmstadt 1983, pp. 366-410
  • Béatrice and Michel Wattel, Qui était qui. XXe siècle, Levallois-Perret 2005 sv

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