Albert Niethammer

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Ludwig Albert Julius Niethammer (born September 29, 1833 in Reichenberg , † April 17, 1908 in Kriebstein ) was a German entrepreneur and national liberal politician . He was the founder and operator of the Kübler & Niethammer paper mill near Kriebstein. Niethammer was a member of the Reichstag and the Second Chamber of the Saxon State Parliament .

Live and act

Act as an entrepreneur

The son of the royal Württemberg forester Franz Ferdinand Niethammer (1804–1876) and his wife Wilhelmine born. Ortallo attended the Evangelical Seminary in Maulbronn from 1847 to 1849 . He did not study theology, which was obvious due to the relationship to the theologian and philosopher Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer . Instead, from 1850 to 1856, he completed commercial and technical training at the Heinrich Völters Söhne paper mill in Heidenheim . Together with his brother-in-law Friedrich Kübler (1833–1865), he leased an oil, barley, saw and paper mill in Kriebstein, Saxony, in 1856 with a borrowed capital of 10,000 thalers. They traded under Kübler & Niethammer . In 1860/1861 they built the first wood mass factory in the world intended for the independent sale of wood mass in Georgenthal near Johanngeorgenstadt and thus turned the wood pulp, invented in 1845, into factory production.

In 1867, the lease in Kriebstein was canceled and the local paper mill was acquired by Kübler & Niethammer . In 1883 they set up another wood grinding shop in Albertsthal near Johanngeorgenstadt and a short time later the Gröditz cellulose factory near Riesa. At the same time, the factories in Kriebstein were continuously expanded and expanded. In the 1880s, after massive expansion of the company, there were ten companies with around 1,000 employees. The production in 1856 was 141,622 kg of paper, in 1906 an annual production of 25,316 tons was achieved.

Niethammer was a member of the Chemnitz Chamber of Commerce. From 1896 he was chairman of the Association of German Paper Manufacturers and from 1902 honorary member of the Association of German Wood Pulp Manufacturers . From 1895 to 1906 he was chairman of the paper makers ' liability insurance association .

Niethammer made great contributions to the industrial and traffic development of the Zschopau valley. He also tried to improve the working and living conditions of his workers. So he campaigned for the Sunday rest and he founded factory savings bank for his employees. In 1873, at his suggestion, a consumer association was founded, and in 1879 a free company kindergarten. In 1884 a company health insurance fund was set up.

The Kübler & Niethammer company was continued by his sons Albert junior and Konrad . The latter was also a member of the Saxon state parliament from 1908 to 1918.

Political commitment

Niethammer was one of the leading national liberal politicians in Saxony. From 1871 to 1881 and again from 1896 to 1901 he was a member of the Saxon Evangelical Synod. In a by-election in 1879 in the 31st rural constituency, he won a mandate for the Second Chamber of the Saxon State Parliament . From 1883 he represented the 9th urban constituency. In 1905 he resigned his mandate (" quite apart from factual reasons ") due to his health. From 1887 to 1900 he was chairman of the National Liberal parliamentary group and was a member of the board of the National Liberal State Association, which he chaired from 1888 to 1896. He was also a member of the Central Executive Committee of the National Liberal Party .

From 1881 to 1908 he was an extraordinary member of the Technical Deputation of the Saxon Ministry of the Interior, and between 1890 and 1896 he was a deputy member of this. In 1896 he was a member of the Railway Council.

From 1881 to 1884 he worked as a representative of the 22 Saxon constituency and 1,887 National Liberal representing the 10th Saxon constituency until 1890 Reichstag . There he supported Bismarck's policies and was one of the leading representatives of the cartel between the Conservatives and the National Liberals.


Niethammer was 1883 Commerce , the 1890 Privy Counselor appointed in 1905, he was from the Technical University of Dresden , the honorary doctorate awarded (as Dr.-Ing. E. h.). In 1895 he was appointed Knight First Class of the Royal Saxon Order of Merit . In 1897, the city awarded him Waldheim , the honorary citizenship .


  • The German people and Sunday. Two lectures by the Oberconsistorialrath Dr. Kögel and the manufacturer Niethammer on the XVII. Congress for Inner Mission in Dresden together with the resolution passed by the congress
  • The most important information from the law on invalidity and old age insurance, compiled for the workers of the Kübler & Niethammer company in Kriebstein, Kriebethal, Georgenthal and Albertsthal near Johanngeorgenstadt, Meinsberg, Wöllsdorf, Gröditz, Waldheim (Saxony) 1890.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Honorary doctoral students of the TH / TU Dresden. Technical University of Dresden, accessed on February 3, 2015 .