Albert Trapp

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Albert Trapp (born March 10, 1890 in Braunschweig ; † September 13, 1966 there ) was a German educator , university professor , writer and historiographer .


The son of a master craftsman grew up in Braunschweig's Magniviertel and attended the orphanage school BMV , then from 1904 to 1910 the teachers' seminar and then returned to the large orphanage as an educator. From 1917 Trapp was in the Braunschweig school service, since 1923 as a middle school teacher.

Until 1945 he worked as a teacher at various schools in Braunschweig. Subsequently, he was appointed lecturer for German and pedagogy at the Braunschweig Kant University . As deputy director, Trapp played a key role in the development of the Braunschweig University of Education . In 1948 he was appointed professor at the PH.

After the end of the Second World War and after his retirement, Trapp devoted himself to the revival of cultural life in Braunschweig by organizing concerts, readings and lectures. In total, he was also active as a music and theater critic for over 25 years .

Albert Trapp died as a result of a traffic accident .


In 1965 Albert Trapp was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit.


Trapp wrote numerous cultural-historical and biographical writings, including for young people. In addition, he has written works on the history of Braunschweig companies and the economic history of the city of Braunschweig . Including:

  • Gotthold Ephraim Lessing 1729–1929: the poet's life a. Create d. Youth. Appelhans, Braunschweig around 1929, DNB 36290121X .
  • A market day in Braunschweig around 1500. In: The Appelhans. No. 2, Lower Saxony Youth Library, Appelhans, Braunschweig around 1935, DNB 362901228
  • Wullbrandt and Soul - Braunschweig - 1550–1950 Braunschweig. 400 years in the service of the economy. Printing and publishing house E. Appelhans, Braunschweig 1950, DNB 901272108 .
  • 200 years of the Braunschweig orphanage printing house 1751–1951. Orphanage printing house, Braunschweig 1952, DNB 455099383 .
  • A village smithy was the beginning: Heinrich Büssing and his work. Appelhans, Braunschweig 1953, DNB 576709050 .
  • Jürgens Brothers, Braunschweig, 1726–1956: Sketch for a history of the colonial goods and sugar confectionery wholesaling and large-scale coffee roastery of the Jürgens brothers. Braunschweig 1956, DNB 455099367 .
  • Albert Trapp, Günter Lages: The Brunswick economy and the new train station . Braunschweig Chamber of Commerce and Industry , Braunschweig 1960, DNB 452678064 .
  • History of a family and their company in the city of Braunschweig. 1812–1962: For the 150th anniversary of H. Müller sen. dedicated to the friends of the house. Lackfabrik H. Müller senior, Braunschweig 1962, DNB 451506731 .


  • German studies. Series of publications by the Braunschweig University of Education - Kant University.


Trapp was the editor of the school paper for Braunschweig and Anhalt as well as the communications of the Raabe Society , of which he was a member. In addition, he was also senior editor of the youth book series Der Appelhans for several years .

Trapp also worked on the New German Biography and was a member of the clothing seller for many years .


  • Ernst Bergfeld : Albert Trapp in memory. In: Friends of the Great Orphanage. Braunschweig 1966, vol. 16, issue 48, pp. 5-6, DNB 011722401 .
  • Kurt Hoffmeister : Braunschweig writers. 140 author portraits. A slightly different history of literature. Braunschweig 2003, DNB 968395368 .
  • Kurt Hoffmeister : From the Green Hunter to the Great Way House. The clothing sellers before, with and after Wilhelm Raabe in almost 150 years. Chronicle of the clothing seller. Braunschweig 2002, DNB 964994488 .
  • Peter Lufft : Albert Trapp. In: Manfred RW Garzmann, Wolf-Dieter Schuegraf, Norman-Mathias Pingel (eds.): Braunschweiger Stadtlexikon - supplementary volume. Braunschweig 1996, ISBN 3-926701-30-7 , p. 131.
  • Marianne Löhr: Albert Trapp. In: Horst-Rüdiger Jarck, Günter Scheel (Ed.): Braunschweigisches biographisches Lexikon. 19th and 20th centuries. Hahn, Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7752-5838-8 , pp. 611f.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Peter Lufft: Albert Trapp. In: Garzmann, Schuegraf, Pingel (ed.): Braunschweiger Stadtlexikon - supplementary volume. P. 131.
  2. ^ A b c Marianne Löhr: Albert Trapp. In: Jarck, Scheel (ed.): Braunschweigisches biographisches Lexikon. 19th and 20th centuries. P. 612.
  3. Kurt Hoffmeister: From the Green Hunter to the Great Way House. The clothing sellers before, with and after Wilhelm Raabe in almost 150 years. Chronicle of the clothing seller. P. 106.