Albertino Bellenghi

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Albertino Bellenghi OSBCam (born September 23, 1758 in Forlimpopoli as Filippo Maria Lorenzo Baldassare Bellenghi ; † March 22, 1839 in Rome ) was an Italian religious , theologian and archbishop of the Curia .


His parents were Francesco Bellenghi and Violante Fiorentini. At his baptism he was given the first name Filippo Maria Lorenzo Baldassare . He adopted the religious name Albertino in 1773 when he joined the Camaldolese community in the convent of Santa Croce dell'Avellana . He was ordained a priest on September 22, 1781. Albertino Bellenghi then continued his studies at the Gregoriana in Rome and became a lecturer in theology. Successively he was professor in the monasteries of Santi Severo ed Ippolito in Faenza and San Severo in Pérouse. In 1802 he became abbot of the monastery of Santa Croce de Sassoferrato, in 1803 abbot of Fabriano and in 1805 of Santa Croce dell'Avellana.

When the orders were abolished during the Napoleonic rule, Albertino Bellenghi withdrew to Fabriano. After the revival of the Camaldolese order, he was vicar general from 1811 to 1823 and procurator general of his religious community in 1823 . In addition, he was a member of the Academy for the Catholic Religion from August 7, 1816, at the same time he entered the service of the Curia as a consultor of the Index Congregation . On June 17, 1826, he became consultor of the Congregation for Special Ecclesiastical Duties.

Pope Leo XII. appointed Albertino Bellenghi on June 23, 1828 titular Archbishop of Nicosia . He was ordained bishop on July 13th of the same year by his friar Cardinal Placido Zurla ; Co- consecrators were Archbishop Giovanni Soglia Ceroni and Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti , Archbishop of Spoleto , who later became Pope Pius IX. On October 1, 1828 Albertino Bellenghi was appointed Apostolic Visitator for the island of Sardinia . Two years later, on April 30, 1830, Pope Pius VIII appointed him Vicar Apostolic for the Diocese of Forlí, which he administered until 1832. Then he retired to Rome. His brother Gregory XVI. appointed him on September 11, 1834 once again as Consultor of the Congregation for Bishops and Regulars .

Albertino Bellenghi died five years later and was buried in the church of San Gregorio al Monte Celio .


  • Osservazioni critiche sui doveri dell'uomo. Forlì 1789.


  • Philippe Bountry: Officiers subalternes de la curie et consulteurs des congrégations romaines en fonctions sous la restauration (1814–1846) (notes brèves) . In: Souverain et pontife. Recherches prosopographiques sur la Curie Romaine à l'âge de la Restoration (1814–1846) . École française de Rome, Rome 2002, margin no. 79–80 (French, online edition [accessed December 8, 2018]).

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