Alberto Guglielmotti

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Alberto Guglielmotti (baptized name Francesco ) (born February 3, 1812 in Civitavecchia , † October 31, 1893 in Rome ) was an Italian Dominican and naval historian .


Guglielmotti became a Dominican in 1827 at the age of 15. In the following years he dealt with theology , philosophy , literature , mathematics and astronomy . However, his main focus was on the fleet of the Papal States and the Turkish Wars . He wrote a multi-volume work about the Pope's fleet , in which the fight against Saracens and North African pirates , Marcantonio Colonna , the Battle of Lepanto and shipbuilding play a prominent role. From 1850 to 1859 he was librarian at the Biblioteca Casanatense ; after that he became prior of Santa Maria sopra Minerva and provincial.

In 1863 he went on a journey to personally get to know places important for naval history such as Lepanto , Constantinople , Rhodes and Malta . In six notebooks he recorded his impressions in his travel diary ( Giornale di viaggio ).

His reference work for seafarers , which was recognized as linguistically authoritative by the Accademia della Crusca , which accepted him as a member in 1871 , also became particularly important .

His hometown of Civitavecchia (formerly the naval port of the papal fleet) erected a memorial to him in Via Garibaldi .


Web links

  • Volume 2 (La guerra dei pirati e la marina pontificia dal 1500 al 1560)


  1. ^ Membership catalog of the Crusca