Alejandro Jiménez Lafeble

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Alejandro Jiménez Lafeble (born February 26, 1936 in Talca , Región del Maule , Chile , † January 5, 1998 in Valdivia , Región de Los Ríos ) was Bishop of Valdivia .


Alejandro Jiménez Lafeble attended the Liceo Blanco Encalada of the school brothers in his hometown. He then studied philosophy and Catholic theology in Santiago de Chile and at the Gregoriana in Rome . On October 28, 1959, in the chapel of the Latin American College in Rome , he received the sacrament of ordination through the Bishop of Talca , Manuel Larraín Errázuriz .

On November 21, 1975, Pope Paul VI appointed him . the titular bishop of Martanae Tudertinorum and ordered him to auxiliary bishop in Talca. The Bishop of Talca, Carlos González Cruchaga , ordained him episcopal on December 10th of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Valdivia, José Manuel Santos Ascarza OCD , and the Bishop of Temuco , Bernardino Piñera Carvallo .

On December 12, 1983, Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Valdivia.

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  1. Noticias Kolping, Santiago de Chile, edition Enero / Febrero / Marzo 1998, p. 10.
predecessor Office successor
José Manuel Santos Ascarza OCD Bishop of Valdivia
Ricardo Ezzati Andrello SDS