Alessandro Lisini

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Alessandro Lisini Mayor of Siena from 1900 to 1905

Alessandro Lisini (born January 17, 1851 in Siena , † April 4, 1945 in Castelnuovo Berardenga ) was an Italian historian , politician , numismatist and archivist .


Alessandro, son of Avvocato Ludovico Lisini and Francesca Clementi, was the eldest son from his mother's first marriage. He had three sisters. The two younger sisters from his mother's first marriage, Marianna and Antonietta, and from his second marriage to Clemente Pezzuoli, Angela.

In 1874 he married Elina Paluffi, cousin of the poet Giuseppe Giusti . After his wife's death he shared on his property by his son Ludovico ( 1876 - 1950 ) the estate Sant'Angelo in Colle (in the municipality Montalcino ), today Azienda Agraria Lisini, transferred, he large as a quarter of the Inheritance from his mother, a descendant of the wealthy Clementi di Montalcino family. He transferred the Fattoria delle Groppole, in Vagliagli in the municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga , to his daughter Emma, ​​married to Gino De Vecchi .

On September 4, 1868, he joined the State Archives of Siena as a volunteer and spent his entire career there. In 1888 he became its director, a position he held until 1912 when he was appointed director of the Venice State Archives after a competition . He held this position until his retirement in February 1918.

Like his famous predecessor and friend Luciano Banchi, Alessandro Lisini also combined the position of director of the State Archives with that of the mayor of the city of Siena (1900-1905), after having been an advisor and member of the city council since 1891.

In 1929 he was appointed dean of the history department of the new institute Istituto comunale di arte e storia , founded by Mayor Fabio Bargagli Petrucci. In 1931 he became its rector as successor to Pietro Rossi, then the actual and later honorary president of the subsequent cultural institutions, d. H. from 1937 the Accademia per le lettere e per le arti and from 1941 the Accademia senese degli Intronati .

Alessandro Lisini died in his villa in Castelnuovo Berardenga on April 4, 1945 .

Mayor of Siena

The years with Lisini as mayor were decisive for the development of the city. Among other things, through the expansion of the municipality with the addition of the neighboring Comune delle Masse, through the construction of the new aqueduct from the sources of the Vivo at Vivo d'Orcia , through the relocation of the judicial offices from the Palazzo Comunale to the new headquarters in Via del Casato , a basic requirement for the restoration of the rooms of the Palazzo Pubblico. An "Exhibition of Sienese Art" (1904) was organized, which was well received abroad, at the opening of which King Victor Emanuel III. , Queen Margaret of Italy and SAR the Duke of Genoa attended.

It was also during these years that the city's first important urban measure was carried out: the construction of Piazza Umberto I , now Matteotti, which, together with the redesign of the Lizza, formed the new urban center. In order to enlarge the square, the old monastery of Sant'Egidio, known as "Suore Cappuccine", which spanned Via Malavolti with an arch, was acquired and demolished, the new square was lowered several meters to access the oratory of the Contrade des Dragons In addition, a diagonal connection between the new square and the existing piazza Salimbeni was made.Only the small Renaissance church of Madonna delle Nevi was saved from the old monastery thanks to the unshakable resistance of Mayor Lisini.


In his work as archivist, Alessandro Lisini published "L'indice sommario delle serie dei documenti al 1 gennaio 1900", the third archive index after those of 1862 and 1883. Giovanni Cecchini, who was director of the archive a few years later, pointed out suggests that the structure of the index is still from Luciano Banchi . He noted, however, that Lisini made some unfavorable changes "by subject", in particular to the holdings of the Balìa and Concistoro.

On closer inspection, the most important innovation under Lisini's leadership was the beginning of the publication of the analytical collections. Between 1896 and 1898 he published the "Bullettino senese di storia patria" listing the "Diplomatico", "Statuti" and "Capitoli" holdings, all of which were administered by Lisini himself: holdings that - clearly from the principles of the Bonaini method were then collected in the volume Inventario generale del Regio Archivio di Stato published in 1899 in Siena , followed by a second volume in 1915 (which was already anticipated in the "Bulletin" of 1914), edited by Guido Mengozzi, and the holdings of the Archivio del Consiglio contains.

In parallel to the inventory work, intensive renovation work was also carried out within the archive - for example the Caleffi or Iurium books on the "Capitoli" collection and above all the oldest diplomatic parchments (736-1250), to which Lisini devoted himself. Linsine published the statutes popularized in the years 1309-1310 in 1903 and the first books on the income and expenses of the city administration's tax office (the so-called "Biccherna"). He was also responsible for the first catalog of the painted panels that served as the cover for these books in ancient times (known as " Biccherna ") and for setting up a museum dedicated to them.

useful information

  • In 1926 he was a co-founder of the Sienese art and history magazine La Diana .
  • A street in Siena was named after him for his services.
  • During his studies he published the statutes of the Republic of Siena , the 700th anniversary of which was celebrated in 2010.


There are more than 150 publications by Lisini with an archival and historical-institutional character as well as sphragistics and numismatics , which are detailed in F. Iacometti, Publications by A. Lisini, BSSP, LI-LIV (1944-1947), pp. 22-30 are. Among them:

  • Le tavolette dipinte di Biccherna e di Gabella del R. Archivio di Stato di Siena , Siena 1901; (with Giulio Bianchi Bandinelli).
  • La Pia dantesca , Siena 1939.
  • Il Costituto del Comune di Siena volgarizzato nel MCCCIX-MCCCX , 2 volumes, Siena 1903; (with Ludovico Zdekauer).
  • Libri dell'entrata e dell'uscita della Repubblica di Siena detti del Camarlingo e dei Quattro di Biccherna. Libro dell'anno 1226 , Siena 1903.
  • Inventario delle pergamene conservate nel Diplomatico dall'anno 736 all'anno 1250 , Siena 1908; (with Fabio Iacometti).
  • Cronache senesi , in "Raccolta degli storici italiani dal Cinquecento al Millecinquecento ordinata da LA Muratori", ne, t. XV, p. VI, Bologna 1931-1939.

Web links

Commons : Alessandro Lisini  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Alessandro Lisini  - Sources and full texts (Italian)
  • Lisini Alessandro. Sistema Informativo Unificato per le Soprintendenze Archivistiche. Retrieved April 29, 2019 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sistema Informativo Unificato per le Soprintendenze Archivistiche