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Panorama of Vagliagli
Country Italy
region Tuscany
province Siena  (SI)
local community Castelnuovo Berardenga
Coordinates 43 ° 25 '  N , 11 ° 21'  E Coordinates: 43 ° 25 '15 "  N , 11 ° 20' 50"  E
height 511  m slm
Residents 242 (2017)
Telephone code 0577 CAP 53019

Vagliali is a district ( fraction , Italian frazione ) of Castelnuovo Berardenga in the province of Siena , Tuscany region in Italy .


The place is about 15 km northwest of the main town Castelnuovo Berardenga and 11.5 km north of the provincial capital Siena in the central part of the Chianti Senese at 511 m and had about 380 inhabitants in 2001. In 2017 there were 242 residents. The place Quercegrossa (district of Monteriggioni and Castelnuovo Berardenga) is about 5 km southwest, Fonterutoli (district of Castellina in Chianti ) is about 4 km west, Castellina in Chianti is about 7 km northwest, Radda in Chianti is about 8 km north and Gaiole in Chianti is approx. 9 km northeast. The municipal boundary to Radda in Chianti is about 1 km north of the village. Approx. The Arbia flows 1 km east of Vagliagli and the Staggia flows approx. 1.5 km west of the village . The Bozzone rises about 1 km west of Vagliagli.


The place is named after the Valle degli Agli (German Valley of the Allium ). The subgenus Allium sativum can be found in the local coat of arms. The place was first documented in 1226, when the Pieve di San Cristoforo a Vagliagli was mentioned in writing.


The Church of San Cristoforo
  • Chiesa di San Cristoforo , church in the town center. First documented in 1226, but the building probably dates from the 9th or 10th century. Contains a baptismal font made of marble by Lorenzo di Mariano ( Il Marrina , Siena 1476-1534), a fresco from the 16th century ( San Cristoforo, San Bernardino and San Sebastiano ) and a canvas picture from the workshop of Rutilio Manetti ( San Cristoforo and Santa Caterina d'Alessandria ).
  • Cappella della Compagnia , chapel on the left of the Church of San Cristoforo. Contains a triptych ( San Pietro fra i Santi Paolo e Stefano ) by Icilio Federico Joni from 1940.
  • Monumento ai Caduti , memorial for fallen resistance fighters of the municipality of Castelnuovo Berardenga. The memorial is located not far from the Vagliagli cemetery and shows a picture of Bruno Bonci, who died here on June 12, 1944.
  • Castello di Aiola , approx. 500 m northeast of Vagliagli, former castle on the former border of the republics of Florence and Siena, of which the foundations still exist. In 1554, in the conflict between the two republics, withstood the attackers from Florence under the leadership of Gian Giacomo Medici and only surrendered with the defeat of Siena. Was abandoned after that and fell apart. Today's Villa di Aiola was built at the end of the 17th century over the remains of the old fortifications and was documented in 1692. Of the four defense towers, only two remain today. The villa was acquired in 1934 by Giovanni Malagodi , who set up a winery here from the 1960s . The heirs kept the villa in the family until 2012. After that, the winery was taken over by a Russian investor.
  • Pieve di San Romolo , former Pieve and today's ruins just north-east of Vagliagli and the Castello di Aiola, was mentioned as early as 1070 and is already located in the municipality of Radda in Chianti.


  • Vagliagli is located on the provincial road Strada Provinciale 102 , which leads from Montarioso (municipality of Monteriggioni) to Vagliagli and ends there, or on gravel roads to Radda in Chianti and Gaiole in Chianti. Branches lead to Castellina in Chianti.

Regular events

  • Festa dell'Uva , or grape festival , took place from the 1930s to 1977 and will be held again from 1995. Takes place at the end of September.



Web links

Commons : Vagliagli  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Official website of ISTAT ( Istituto Nazionale di Statistica ) on 2001 population figures in the province of Siena, accessed on October 16, 2015 (Italian)
  2. Italia in dettaglio zu Vagliagli , accessed on March 11, 2018 (Italian)
  3. a b Emanuele Repetti: VAGLIAGLI nella valle dell'Arbia.
  4. a b c on Vagliagli , accessed on October 17, 2015 (Italian)
  5. a b Pieve di San Cristoforo a Vagliagli. In: I luoghi della Fede. Website of the Tuscany region (Siena / Chianti senese), accessed on October 17, 2015 (Italian)
  6. Il Tirreno to the church Chiesa di San Cristoforo a Vagliagli , accessed on October 17, 2015 (Italian)
  7. EcoMuseoChianti : La Seconda Guerra mondiale e la Resistenza nel Chianti. Ecomuseo Chianti website, accessed on October 21, 2015 (Italian)
  8. ^ Enrico Bosi, Giovanna Magi: I Castelli del Chianti. Bonechi Editrice, Florence 1979, ISBN 88-7009-000-0 , p. 151 f.
  9. ^ Ovidio Guaita: Le ville della Toscana. Newton & Compton editori, Rome 1997, ISBN 88-8183-787-0 , p. 335 f.
  10. Le Vie del Vino to Fattoria L'Aiola , accessed on March 12, 2018 (Italian)
  11. EcoMuseoChianti for the Festa dell'Uva in Vagliagli, accessed on October 17, 2015 (Italian)