Alexis Betemps

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Alexis Bétemps (born August 26, 1944 in Saint-Christophe ) is an Italian historian, ethnologist, dialectologist and politician.


Alexis Bétemps comes from the municipality of Saint-Christophe in the Italian region of Aosta Valley . He completed his teacher training at the Istituto Magistrale Maria Adelaide in Aosta and then studied history, linguistics and language didactics at the Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in Milan and at the Institut de Linguistique of the University of Mons in Belgium until 1970 . During his studies, he worked regularly as a substitute teacher in the Aosta Valley municipalities of Verrès and Châtillon .

Since 1964 he has worked for various magazines in the Aosta Valley, including the weekly Peuple Valdôtain , published by the political party Union Valdôtaine , and Le Flambeau, which focuses on the linguistic culture and folklore of the Aosta Valley region. Alexis Bétemps worked as a secondary school teacher, and he was involved early on in the Syndicat Autonome Valdôtain des travailleurs SAVZ and as secretary of its teachers' section.

In 1979 Alexis Bétemps was elected President of the Center d'études francoprovençales “René Willien” in the municipality of Saint-Nicolas . This institute, founded in 1967 by the photographer, writer and language activist René Willien (1916–1979), is committed to the maintenance and preservation of the Valdostan dialect of the Franco-Provencal language and promotes linguistic research on the entire Franco-Provencal-speaking area, which also includes large parts of western Switzerland and Includes southeastern France . The Center also includes the Cerlogne Museum, established in memory of the poet and pioneer of Valdostan linguistic research Jean-Baptiste Cerlogne (1826–1910); and it organizes the poetry competition Concours Cerlogne. Since his thirty years at the René Willien research center, Bétemps has been an internationally recognized and well-connected specialist in Romance dialectology and Alpine folklore. In 1980 he was also elected President of the then newly established Sound Archives of the Associazione Valdostana degli Archivi Sonori AVAS; This project goes back to a suggestion of the French dialectologist Gaston Tuaillon (1923-2011), who taught at the University of Grenoble , and was brought into being through Bétemps mediation by the Folklore Association of the Aosta Valley. The archive aims to secure audiovisual sources of the languages ​​traditionally spoken in the Aosta Valley, the existence of which is threatened with the modernization of all areas of life. The recorded conversations, structured as ethnotexts and evidence of living traditions, also convey a picture of the former rural folk culture of the mountain valleys of north-western Italy. The sound archive also collected earlier recordings, according to the sources of the Aosta Valley French by Jean-Pierre Martin, and linked its documentation with the RAI radio archive .

The Institut Bureau régional d'ethnologie et de linguistique was created in 1986 in an effort to preserve the traditional regional culture and language, on the one hand the Valdostan variant of Franco-Provencal and on the other hand French, an official language of the Autonomous Region of Aosta Valley, and to protect it against the advancing Italianization BREL, whose first director Alexis Bétemps worked until 1997 and to which the regional sound archive is also affiliated. Bétemps also taught at the vocational training center in Aosta and at the Aosta Valley Adult Education Center.

In 1997 Alexis Béltemps became cultural coordinator and in 1998 monument conservation director of the autonomous region of Aosta Valley. He was a member of the scientific committee involved in the renovation of the great Sardinian-Piedmontese fortress of Bard .

On the political level, Alexis Bétemps was a member of the autonomist and federalist Union Valdôtaine party , which was founded immediately after the Second World War in order to bring about the most independent political and social position possible for the Aosta Valley in Italy, and which played a dominant role in the political field of the region played. From 1978 to 1983, Bétemps was editor of Revue Valdôtaine magazine , and in 1985 he was elected party president of the Union Valdôtaine . He kept this position until 1997. In 2006, left Bétemps along with the former president of the Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta and Senator Carlo Perrin the Valdostan Union, and they founded with other politicians, the new center-left grouping Renouveau Valdôtain that in 2010 with the political organization Autonomie Liberté Démocratie merged and the new party Autonomie Liberté Participation Écologie ALPE formed.

Alexis Bétemps was married to the teacher and Valdostan poet and dialect singer Maria Rita Maquignaz (1947-2005).

Alexis Bétemps retired in May 2000. Since then he has continued to work in Italy and the neighboring countries as an author of cultural-historical and linguistic contributions and as a member of various organizations. He wrote the article on the Aosta Valley for the Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . Particularly noteworthy are his activities for local and field name research in the Aosta Valley and for the Agrotourism Commission, as well as his collaboration in the Ethnology Confédération Helvétique / Italie ECHI project, which investigates festival culture in the Alpine region across borders.


Works (selection)

  • The valdôtains et leur langue. Aosta 1979.
  • La langue française en Vallée d'Aoste de 1945 à nos jours. Milan 1968/1969.
  • Le combat pour la langue française, facteur de prize de conscience valdôtaine. Aosta 1986.
  • Le francoprovençal en Vallée d'Aoste. Problems and prospectives. In: Lingua e comunicazione simbolica nella cultura walser . VI convegno studi walser. (6th Walser Meeting) Fondazione Monti, Anzola d'Ossola 1989, pp. 355–372.
  • Collecte et mise en valeur du patrimoine ethnographique et linguistique en Vallées d'Aoste. 1991.
  • Le francoprovençal et sa littérature en Vallée d'Aoste. In: Les langues les moins parlées d'Europe et leur littérature. Monaco 1993, pp. 171-182.
  • Le bilinguisme en Vallée d'Aoste. Problems and perspectives. In: André-Louis Sanguin (ed.): Les minorités ethniques en Europe. L'Harmattan, Paris 1993, pp. 131-135.
  • Pour une éducation plurilingue. Projet de manifeste pour une Europe plurilingue proposé par le Gouvernement de la Région Autonome Vallée d'Aoste et l'Association internationale “Le monde bilingue”. In: Lo Flambo. Volume 148, 1993, pp. 18-22.
  • La phonothèque de l'Association Valdôtaines des Archives sonores (1980–1990). In: Etudes francoprovençales. Actes du Colloque réunis dans le cadre de 116 Congrès national des Sociétés savantes Chambéery-annecy, 29 avril – 4 may 1991. Paris 1993, pp. 89-103.
  • Le Concours Cerlogne. In: Swiss Folklore - Folklore suisse - Folclore svizzero. Journal of the Swiss Society for Folklore , Volume 93–94, 1994, pp. 133–135.
  • with Henri Armand and Pierre Vietti: Il Museo Cerlogne e il Center d'Études Francoprovençales René Willien di Saint-Nicolas. Imprimerie Duc. Aosta 1996.
  • Le Center d'Etudes francoprovençales René Willien. In: Pagine della Valle d'Aosta. Priuli e Verluccca Editori, Ivrea 1997.
  • Paul Scheuermeier et la Vallée d'Aoste. In: Nouvelles du Center d'Études Francoprovençales René Willien. Volume 40, Aosta 1999, pp. 5-11.
  • Jules Brocherel, les traditions populaires et la linguistique. In: Le Monde alpin et rhodanien. 2000.
  • L'institutrice. In: Le travail de la femme en Vallée d'Aoste, Savoie, Valais entre agropastoralisme et industrialization. Le cas de la fromagère, de la vigneronne, de l'institutrice et de l'ouvrière. Priuli e Verlucca Editori. Ivrea 2001.
  • Le charivari en Vallée d'Aoste. In: Le Monde Alpin et Rhodanien. 2001.
  • Un glossaire méconnu: Félicien Gamba et le patois de Montjovet. In: Dictionnaires et glossaires du francoprovençal. Actes de la Conférence annuelle du Center d'Etudes francoprovençales 2000. Aosta 2002.
  • Toponymie rurale et mémoire collective (la Vallée d'Aoste). In: Récit et toponymie. Rives north-méditerranéennes, 2nd série. Aix-en Provence 2002.
  • Pour une politique de l'enseignement du francoprovençal en Vallée d'Aoste. In: Quelles politiques linguistiques éducatives pour les langues régionales ou minoritaires de l'Arc alpin. Région Provence, Alpes et Côte d'Azur 2006.
  • with Lidia Philippot: Merveilles dans la vallée. 2006
  • with Claudine Remacle: Les reines à Vertosan. Le lait et la bataille. Aosta, Saint-Nicolas 2007.
  • with Enrica Dossigny: Le patois de l'autre monde. In: Langues et cultures de France et d'ailleurs. Lyon 2009.
  • L'adieu aux Alpes. In: Le Flambeau. Volume 209, 2009.
  • 20e anniversaire du décès du professeur Ernest Schüle . 2009.
  • La vita negli alpeggi valdostani nella prima metà del novecento. Priuli e Verlucca. Ivrea 2009.
  • Le nationalisme italien et l'invention du Cervin. In: Vallée d'Aoste 1848–1870. Imprimerie Duc. Saint-Christophe (Aosta Valley) 2011.
  • Erbario. Turin 2013.
  • Les fées dans les Alpes occidentales. In: Cunéaz Giuliana: La fata delle morene. Aosta 2014.
  • Le théâtre francoprovençal en Vallée d'Aoste, ses racines et son actualité. In: Bulletin du Center d'Etudes francoprovençales "René Willien" de Saint-Nicolas. Volume 70, Aosta 2014.
  • The toponymie valdôtaine de l'oral à l'écrit. In: Toujours langue varie…. Mélanges de linguistique historique du français et de dialectologie galloromane offerts à M. le professeur Andres Kristol . Librairie Droz. Geneva 2014.
  • A la racine de quelques légends contemporaines, dites métropolitaines, en Vallée d'Aoste. In: Bulletin du Center d'Etudes francoprovençales "René Willien" de Saint-Nicolas. Volume 72, Aosta 2015.
  • Come superare il lungo inverno alpino. Metodi per conservare a lungo gli alimenti. In: Campiello ei Walser. Atti del XXIII convegno di studi, Campello Monti 23 luglio 2015. Walser community, 2015.
  • La moquerie dans nos montagnes: Qui est moqué, de la part de qui, comment et pourquoi. Esquisse de la distribution geographique de la moquerie en Vallée d'Aoste. In: Actes du colloque international de l'Université de Neuchâtel, 31 May - 1 June 2013. Peter Lang, Bern 2015.
  • Au temps de Willien: les ferments de langue. In: Bulletin du Center d'Etudes francoprovençales "René Willien" de Saint-Nicolas. Volume 73, Aosta 2016.
  • Les carnavals alpins en Vallée d'Aoste. Le Château edizioni, Aosta 2018, ISBN 978-88-7637-216-2 .


  • Colligera atque tradere. Etudes d'ethnographie alpine et de dialectologie francoprovençale. Mélanges offerts à Alexis Bétemps. Autonomous region of the Vallée d'Aoste. Aosta 2003.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Aosta is sometimes incorrectly noted as the official birthplace of Alexis Bétemps.
  2. Alexis Bétemps: Le Concours Cerlogne a quarante ans. In: Bulletin du Center d'Etudes francoprovençales , 47, Aosta 2003.
  3. Nasce ALPE: ad aprile le primarie sceglieranno sindaco e vice da candidare. AostaSera, February 18, 2010, accessed July 14, 2020.
  4. ↑ In 2019, Alexis Bétemps sensationally refused the political honor as Chevalier de l'Autonomie : Il gran rifiuto del Bocconiano Alexis Betemp. valledaostaglocal, accessed July 15, 2020; Il gran rifiuto di Alexis Bétemps al Cavalierato della Valle d'Aosta. Per la seconda volta. La Stampa, accessed July 15, 2020.
  5. Alexis Bétemps: Aosta Valley. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .