Alexis Hansky

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Alexis Hansky

Alexis Hansky ( Russian Алексей Павлович Ганский ; born July 8 . Jul / 20th July  1870 greg. In Odessa , † July 29 jul. / 11. August  1908 greg. In simeiz ) was a Russian astronomer .


Hansky graduated from high school and university in Odessa. He then expanded the astrophysical and astrophotographic knowledge he acquired during his studies during several years of study at the observatories of Meudon and Potsdam , where his main interest was the structure and activities of the solar surface .

Hansky took an active part in several scientific expeditions: from Novaya Zemlya he observed the solar eclipse of August 9, 1896 and in Spain the eclipse of August 30, 1905 . In 1901 he was a member of the expedition that had been sent to Spitzbergen to carry out the degree measurement . In 1907 he was a member of the expedition sent to Turkestan by the Pulkow Observatory , which, however, was unable to observe the solar eclipse of January 14, 1907 as planned due to poor weather conditions . For observations, experiments and astrophotographic recordings, he climbed Mont Blanc seven times .

In 1905 he became an adjunct astronomer at the Pulkowo Observatory ; In early 1908 he was transferred to the management of the observatory founded in 1900 by Simejis in the Crimea , where he moved in May. He had already made preparations for further research when he died of a heart attack while swimming in the sea.

The asteroid (1118) Hanskya, discovered in 1927, and the lunar crater Ganskiy were named in his honor.


  • H. Kobold (ed.): Astronomische Nachrichten , Volume 178, Number 4272 from September 1908, p. 399. C. Schaidt, Kiel
  • Wiener Luftschiffer-Zeitung , December 1908 edition; Volume VII, No. 12, p. 311

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Individual evidence

  1. Alexis Hansky in the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature of the IAU (WGPSN) / USGS