Alfred Böhm (MfS employee)

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Alfred Böhm (born August 23, 1913 in Leipzig ; † October 12, 1982 ) was a major general of the Ministry for State Security (MfS) and head of the MfS district administration in Neubrandenburg .


Böhm, the son of a well builder , learned the trade of a carpenter after attending elementary school from 1928 to 1931 . He joined the Communist Youth Association of Germany and in 1931 the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). After completing his apprenticeship, he was unemployed until 1935.

After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists in 1933, Böhm did illegal resistance work . On March 15, 1935, he was arrested and sentenced by the Dresden Higher Regional Court to five years in prison for his illegal work in the KPD. He served his sentence in Zwickau penitentiary until May 1939 , including 36 months in solitary confinement. After his imprisonment had expired, he was transferred to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp on May 9, 1939 . There he continued his illegal activity with the later MfS officers Richard Reuscher and Helmut Welz in the resistance group around Ernst Schneller . On November 7, 1944, Böhm was forced into the Dirlewanger Penal Battalion . He contributed to the fact that almost the entire unit defected to the Red Army with him on December 15, 1944 within a few days . He remained in Soviet captivity until July 19, 1947 . During this time he and other comrades organized political work in several POW camps.

After returning to his hometown of Leipzig, Böhm became a member of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) in 1947 and joined the German People's Police . He became an officer in the K 5 (political police) and made it to the VP Council (corresponded to the later captain of the VP). On July 1, 1950, he was taken over to the MfS with simultaneous promotion to VP-Oberrat. He began his service in the Leipzig district office of the MfS. In 1951 he was transferred to Department VI (state apparatus, political parties) of the MfS in Berlin , where he was acting head in 1953. On April 1, 1956, he was appointed to the rank of major as the operational deputy of the head of the MfS district administration in Neubrandenburg. In 1959/60 Böhm attended the SED party college "Karl Marx" . In 1965 he finally succeeded Colonel Gustav Szinda as head of the Neubrandenburg district administration. From 1967 to 1979 Böhm was also a member of the SED district leadership. In 1975 he was appointed major general. In 1977 he was released and lived as a pensioner in Neubrandenburg .



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Curriculum vitae in Minutes No. 7/58 of the Politburo meeting on February 5, 1958 - BArch DY 30 / J IV 2/2/579.
  2. ↑ Fellow combatants for 27 years . In: Neues Deutschland , August 8, 1969, p. 6.
  3. ^ Obituary in Neues Deutschland from October 14, 1982.