Alfred Biese

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Alfred Biese (born February 25, 1856 in Putbus , † March 11, 1930 in Bonn ) was a German literary historian.

Life and accomplishments

Alfred Biese was born on February 25, 1856 in Putbus on Rügen . His father Franz Biese (1803–1895) was a senior teacher at the Pädagogium zu Putbus and a well-known Aristotle researcher. Alfred Biese studied classical philology and German at the University of Bonn , the University of Greifswald and the University of Kiel . From 1879 he worked as a high school teacher in Kiel , Schleswig and Koblenz . From 1899 to 1921 he was a grammar school director, first in Neuwied and then in Frankfurt am Main .

Biese was a friend of Theodor Storm and published Storm's Complete Works in fourteen parts . Bieses German literary history in 3 volumes had a circulation of over 100,000 by his death.

Biese died on March 11, 1930 in Bonn .

Works (selection)

  • German literary history. 3 volumes. CH Beck, Munich 1907–1909 (25th edition 1930)
  • Theodor Storm's life and works. Hesse & Becker, Leipzig 1917.
  • Rügen's natural beauty. 2nd Edition. J. Abel, Greifswald 1925.


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