Alfred Faust

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Alfred Faust

Alfred Faust (born December 15, 1883 in Sulzmatt in Upper Alsace; † June 14, 1961 in Bremen ) was an advertising specialist, editor , social democratic politician and press spokesman for the Bremen Senate.


Family, education and work

Faust's father was a master plumber and winemaker in Alsace .

Faust completed a commercial apprenticeship and an apprenticeship as a printer. He also attended a Catholic theological seminar in St. Didié and a Lyceé in Belgium. He did his military service with the grenadiers in Berlin. From 1905 he gave private French lessons. He then worked in the private sector as an employee. So he was u. a. also in 1908 representative of the Magdeburg barley mill in Italy. From 1909 to 1914 he was a correspondent and soon afterwards head of advertising at Kaffee Hag in Bremen. Among other things, he was responsible for publishing the cultural magazine Die Güldenkammer, which is published by Verlag Kaffeehag Bremen . Between 1914 and 1918 he participated in the war.

Politics and editor

In 1917 Faust joined the USPD . In 1918, after his return to Bremen, he stood up for the Bremen Soviet Republic . In December 1918 he was a delegate at the 1st  Reichsrätekongress in Berlin. In January and February Faust was a member of the Council of People's Representatives in Bremen. He was also a member of the Bremen Executive Council as well as head of the Commissariat for Press and Propaganda and editor of the confiscated Bremer Bürger-Zeitung .

After the suppression of the Soviet republic, Faust became editor-in-chief of the Bremen workers' newspaper . In March 1919 he was elected to the Bremen constituent assembly. From 1920 to 1933 Faust was a member of the Bremen citizenship . In 1922 he switched to the SPD together with the trunk USPD. Professionally, the change as editor to the Bremer Volkszeitung headed by Wilhelm Kaisen was connected. In 1928 he became editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

Faust was elected to the Reichstag on November 6, 1932, but his election was not confirmed until March 1933. At the end of March 1933, Faust helped Rudolf Breitscheid to escape to Switzerland, but returned to Bremen himself. Already on 28 April 1933 he was the SA of the Nazis in protective custody and taken to the concentration camp Mißler in Findorff and Ochtumsand imprisoned and in Bremen's detention center. In the Mißler concentration camp in particular, Faust was severely physically abused. Immediately afterwards he was held in a prison in Bremen until 1934. After his release, Faust was expelled from Bremen and moved to Berlin . There he worked for the Angelsachsenverlag until 1944, mediated by Ludwig Roselius . When this was closed, Faust fled to his native Alsace in 1944 and worked there as an editor in Mulhouse until 1949 .

Faust returned to Bremen in August 1949 and initially headed the Angelsachsenverlag. He got involved again in the SPD. From July 11, 1950 until his death he was head of the press office of the Bremen Senate . After his death, a state ceremony took place for him in the Bremen town hall .


  • The Alfred Faust Street in Kattenturm / Kattenesch in the district of Bremen- Obervieland was named after him 1968th
  • The school on Alfred-Faust-Strasse in Kattenesch bears his name.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jörg Wollenberg: From Voluntary Labor Service to Concentration Camp


  • Social Democratic Party of Germany (ed.): Committed to freedom. Memorial book of the German social democracy in the 20th century. Marburg 2000, p. 92f.
  • Werner Kloos : Bremen Lexicon. Hauschild, Bremen 1980.
  • Kurt Roselius: Faust, Josef Alfred. In: Historical Society Bremen, State Archive Bremen (Ed.): Bremische Biographie 1912–1962. Hauschild, Bremen 1969, p. 143 (column 1) to p. 144 (column 2).
  • Herbert Black Forest : The Great Bremen Lexicon . 2nd, updated, revised and expanded edition. Edition Temmen, Bremen 2003, ISBN 3-86108-693-X .

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