Alfred Pina

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Portrait photo of Alfredo Pina, 1929

Alfred Pina (* December 13, 1887 as Alfredo Pina in Milan , Kingdom of Italy , † December 22, 1966 in Mesves-sur-Loire or La Charité-sur-Loire , France ) was a French sculptor .

life and work

At the age of 12, Alfred Pina became an orphan. He studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan, where he received the Gran Prize Nazionale di Scultura Italia in 1904 . Here he was a student of Alessandro Broggi . He then went to Bologna and then to Rome for three years . He made friends with French artists who invited him to Paris , where he arrived in 1911.

Pina rented the orangery of the Château des Imbergères à Sceaux and exhibited his work at the Salon of the Société des Artistes Français (1911-1914), the Salon des Tuileries and the Salon of the Société du Salon d'Automne (1911). He received numerous orders for busts and tried wood engravings. In Paris he was a student of Auguste Rodin , which strongly influenced him and his artistic work.

At the beginning of the First World War , Alfred Pina moved to Montpellier , where the local museum acquired a bust of Ludwig van Beethoven from him. After the war he returned to Paris and rented a workshop on the Impasse du Maine in Montparnasse next to that of Antoine Bourdelle . In 1920 he exhibited his works in the Paris gallery Jean Allard. He received an honorable mention at the Salon d'Automne in 1921 .

Pinas figures, sculptures and busts were cast and sold by the Parisian foundries Valsuani and Les Neveux de Jules Lehmann .

In order to carry out his commissions for monuments in memory of the dead of the First World War, Pina set up a second studio in Mesves-sur-Loire, where he bought a plot of land with a quarry. In 1920 and 1922 he took part in the Biennale di Venezia . His submission for the project of the tomb of Dante Alighieri won the competition launched by Benito Mussolini . The work was supposed to be his masterpiece in Rome, but was never completed. Pina made a bust of the dictator, which was shown at the 1926 Salon.

After returning to France in 1929, Pina organized an exhibition of the Italian artists from Paris in the Cercle de l'Union artistique on Rue Boissy d'Anglas . He then moved to Mesves-sur-Loire, where he married Antoinette Meunier. In February 1931 he showed his work in the Fifty-Sixth Street Galleries of New York . In 1939 he obtained French citizenship and exhibited in Nevers and Vézelay . Alfred Pina died on December 22, 1966; he bequeathed his estate from the workshop to the museum in Charité-sur-Loire.

Works (selection)

Beethoven busts by Pina are in the museums of Montpellier and Venice, a Wagner bust in Berlin, the “head of Christ” in the Vatican Museums . Other of his works are exhibited in the Museum of La Charité-sur-Loire . In Paris, the Musée Rodin and the Musée Bourdelle are each showing a sculpture of Pinas. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York exhibits a bust of the writer Victor Hugo , and another portrait bust is in the MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo of Rome.

  • La toilette du bébé
  • Porteur de Fruit
  • Encrier à l'homme étendu
  • La Douleur
  • Maternite
  • Embrace
  • Leda and the swan
  • Man on a rock
  • Head of a gorgon
  • Archer Heracles


An incident occurred in the Paris canteen of the painter and sculptor Marie Vassilieff on January 14, 1917, when, at a banquet organized by contemporary artists in honor of the painter Georges Braque, the deliberately uninvited artist Amedeo Modigliani with a drunken entourage burst into the premises . At that time, Pina was the new lover of the poet Beatrice Hastings , who had previously been in a love affair with Modigliani for two years. Pina, who took part in the festivities of that evening as an invited guest with Hastings, drew a pistol and aimed at Modigliani, but the hostess Vassilieff managed to push the unwanted visitors down the stairs from the establishment, after which the painter Pablo Picasso , who was also present, opened the door of could lock inside. The celebrations then continued undisturbed.


Web links


  1. The literature gives different information for the date of birth. Bénézit mentions November 13, 1883 or November 13, 1887; Saur mentions November 13, 1883, November 13, 1887, or December 13, 1887.

Individual evidence

  1. Andreas Beyer , Bénédicte Savoy , Wolf Tegethoff , Eberhard König : General Artist Lexicon. The visual artists of all times and peoples. Saur, Munich 1992.
  2. ^ Emmanuel Bénézit : Dictionary of Artists . ISBN 978-0-19977-378-7 , 2006. Volume 10, pp. 1458-1459 (entry Pina, Alfredo).
  3. a b c Arts Magazine, Volume 5. Art Digest Incorporated, 1931, p. 16.
  4. James A. Mackay: The Animaliers: The Animal Sculptors of the 19th & 20th Centuries. Ward Lock, 1973. ISBN 0-70631-506-5 , p. 125.
  5. Stephen Gray: Beatrice Hastings: A Literary Life. Viking, 2004, ISBN 0-67004-800-3 . P. 390.
  6. D. Roger Howett, Joseph Veach Noble: The Sculpture of Donald DeLue. Gods, Prophets and Heroes. David R. Godine Publishing, 1990. ISBN 0-87923-820-8 , p. 14.
  7. ^ Alfredo Pina - busts from Italian sculpture in bronze. In: .
  8. ^ Alberto Shayo : Statuettes art deco period. Antique Collectors Club Art Books, 2016. ISBN 1-85149-824-9 . P. 32.
  9. ^ A b c Tableaux anciens & sculptures. Section 18: Alfredo PINA (Milan, 1887 - La Charité-sur-Loire, 1966). I la douleur. P. 96.
  10. Buste de beethoven en bronze patiné, signed by Alfredo PINA. In: .
  11. Alex Danchev: Georges Braque: A Life. Penguin UK, 2007. ISBN 0-14190-500-X , p. 191.
  12. Stephen Gray: Free-lancers and Literary Biography in South Africa. Rodopi, 1999. ISBN 9-04200-666-8 , p. 61.