Alice Provensen

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Alice Provensen (born August 14, 1918 in Chicago - † April 23, 2018 ) was an American children's author and illustrator .


Alice Provensen moved to California when she was twelve. She received a fellowship from the Art Institute of Chicago and completed her studies at the University of California . She then worked at the Walter Lantz Studio , the creators of Woody Woodpecker . She met her future husband and creative partner Martin Provensen (1916–1987) in 1943 when he was sent to the Walter Lantz Studio to produce training films for the US military. The couple married in 1944 and moved to Washington, DC to work on other World War II- related projects .

After the war ended, the couple moved to New York City and started doing illustrations for books, especially children's books. In the following years they illustrated more than 40 children's books, 19 of which they wrote and edited themselves. The couple lived for many years on Maple Hill Farm , the maple farm in Dutchess County , New York state , which features in some of their children's books.

After her husband's death in 1987, Alice Provensen wrote other books.

Prizes and awards

  • 1982: List of suggestions for the Caldecott Medal for the illustrations for A Visit to William Blake 's Inn: Poems for Innocent and Experienced Travelers by Nancy Willard.
  • 1984: Caldecott Medal for The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Blériot , July 25, 1909 .


by Alice and Martin Provensen
  • Jane Werner Watson: The Fuzzy Duckling . Little Golden Book 1949.
  • A Child's Garden of Verses . Simon and Schuster 1951.
    • Poems for a child . Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg 1960.
  • The Iliad and the Odyssey . Golden Press, New York City, USA.
    • retold by Walter Jens : Iliad and Odyssey . Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg 1958.
  • A Peacable Kingdom: The Shaker Abecedarius . 1958, according to the Shaker Manifesto, Rhymes of Animals. 1882
  • Aesop's fables . Golden Press, New York City, USA.
  • Louis Untermeyer: The Golden Book of Fun and Nonsense . Golden Press, New York City, USA 1970.
  • My little hen . Random House, New York City, USA 1973.
  • The Book of Seasons. Random House, New York City, USA.
  • The Provensen Book of Fairy Tales .
    • translated by Marie Dessauer: Feathers from my wing: fairy tales from all over the world . Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg 1973, ISBN 3-473-35010-9 .
  • Our Animal Friends at Maple Hill Farm . Random House, New York City, USA 1974.
    • Our animals from the maple farm: a picture book. Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg 1975, ISBN 3-473-33809-5 .
  • The Mother Goose Book. Random House, New York City, USA 1976.
  • The Year at Maple Hill Farm. 1978.
  • A Horse and a Hound, A Goat and a Gander. Jonathan Cape, London 1979.
    • Translated by Hanna Muschg : Of fearful rabbits and sniffers, sweetheart and villain. 4 animals on the maple farm . Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg 1982, ISBN 3-473-33665-3 .
  • To Owl and Three Pussycats . Atheneum 1981.
    • translated by Hanna Muschg: An owl child in the house. New stories from the maple farm . Maier, Ravensburg 1981, ISBN 3-473-33811-7 .
  • Leonardo da Vinci . 1984.
    • Leonardo da Vinci: a living picture book . Bertelsmann, Munich 1984, ISBN 3-570-35773-8 .
by Alice Provensen alone

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leonard S. Marcus: Side by Side. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2006, ISBN 978-0-802-79616-5 , p. 19 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  2. ^ Obituary , accessed May 3, 2018