Allan R. Millett

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Allan Reed Millett (* 1937 in New York City ) is an American military historian . He was u. a. President of the Society for Military History .


Millett earned his bachelor's degree from DePauw University in 1959 and his master's degree from Ohio State University in 1963 , where he received his PhD in 1966.

He was Professor of Military History at Ohio State University from 1969 until his retirement in 2005. Most recently he was General Raymond E. Mason Professor of Military History and Associate Director of the Mershon Center for International Security Studies . From 2006 he was Ambrose Professor of History and Director of the Eisenhower Center for American Studies at the University of New Orleans . He is also Senior Military Adviser to the National World War II Museum in New Orleans. He also taught at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Since his time as Fulbright Professor at the Korean National Defense University in 1991, he has studied the history of the Korean War . In 1996 he was a Fellow of the Korea Foundation .

He is a reserve officer ( colonel ) in the US Marine Corps , in which he commanded a battalion and was on active duty from 1959 to 1962.

From 1985 to 1989 he was President of the Society for Military History and from 2005 to 2010 Vice President of the International Commission on Military History .

The Society for Military History presents the Allan R. Millett Dissertation Research Fellowship Award .



  • The Politics of Intervention. The Military Occupation of Cuba. 1906-1909. Ohio State University Press, Columbus OH 1968.
  • The General. Robert L. Bullard and Officership in the United States Army, 1881-1925 (= Contributions in Military History. 10, ISSN  0084-9251 ). Greenwood Press, Westport CT et al. 1975.
  • as editor with Williamson Murray : Military Effectiveness. 3 volumes. Allen & Unwin, Boston MA et al. 1988;
  • Semper Fidelis. The History of the United States Marine Corps. Macmillan et al., New York NY 1980, ISBN 0-02-921590-3 .
  • In Many a Strife. General Gerald C. Thomas and the US Marine Corps, 1917–1956. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis MD 1993, ISBN 0-87021-034-3 .
  • with Williamson Murray : A War to Be Won. Fighting the Second World War. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA et al. 2000, ISBN 0-674-00163-X .
  • with Peter Maslowski : For the Common Defense. A Military History of the United States of America. The Free Press, New York NY et al. 1984, ISBN 0-02-921580-3 (later with William B. Feis as: For the Common Defense. A Military History of the United States from 1607 to 2012. 3rd edition, completely revised and expanded. ibid. 2012, ISBN 978-1-4516-2353-6 ).

About the Korean War:

  • A Reader's Guide To The Korean War. In: The Journal of Military History. Vol. 61, No. 3, 1997, pp. 583-597, doi : 10.2307 / 2954036 .
  • as editor with Xiaobing Li and Bin Yu: Mao's Generals remember Korea. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence KS 2001, ISBN 0-7006-1095-2 .
  • The Korean War: A 50-year Critical Historiography. In: The Journal of Strategic Studies. Vol. 24, No. 1, 2001, pp. 188-224, doi : 10.1080 / 01402390108437827 .
  • as editor: Their War for Korea-American, Asian, and European Combatants and Civilians, 1945–1953. Brassey's, Washington DC 2002, ISBN 1-57488-434-4 .
  • The War for Korea, 1945-1950. A house burning. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence KS 2005, ISBN 0-7006-1393-5 .
  • The Korean War (= The Essential Bibliography Series. ). Potomac Books, Washington DC et al. 2007, ISBN 978-1-574-88976-5 .
  • The War for Korea, 1950-1951. They came from the north. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence KS 2010, ISBN 978-0-7006-1709-8 .

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