Alois Neuman

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Alois Neuman (1948)

Alois Neuman (born March 12, 1901 in Smidary , Königgrätz district , Bohemia ; † July 27, 1977 in Prague ) was a Czechoslovak politician ( ČSS ), resistance fighter against National Socialism and a prisoner in Buchenwald concentration camp . He was mayor of Budweis (1937–39 and 1946–48), Minister of Post and Communications (1948–1960) and Minister of Justice (1960–68) of Czechoslovakia.


Neuman studied law at Charles University in Prague from 1920 to 1924 and received his doctorate in law in 1925 . He then worked for a health insurance company in Budweis. He became a member of the Czechoslovak (People's) Socialist Party (ČSS or ČSNS) and later Vice-President of its Central Committee . From 1935 to 1939 he was a member of the Czechoslovak National Assembly, and from 1937 to 1939 he was mayor of Budweis (České Budějovice). After the Munich Agreement and the dissolution of the ČSNS, he joined the faction of the ruling Strana národní jednoty at the end of 1938 .

After the " smashing of the rest of the Czech Republic ", the Gestapo arrested Neuman in September 1939 during the long-prepared " Operation Albrecht I " and delivered him to the Buchenwald concentration camp . Here he participated in the camp resistance and belonged to the International Camp Committee (ILK). When the Nazi rule was eliminated, he was one of the four signatories of a greeting from the Czechoslovak National Committee , which the latter addressed to the ILK on April 15.

After his return home he became a member of the constituent national assembly in 1945 and was again mayor of Budweis from 1946 to 1948. He belonged again to the People's Socialist Party, which was demoted to the block party after the February revolution in 1948 . Within his party, Neuman was one of the proponents of cooperation with the communists . From 1948 to 1960 he was deputy chairman of the party, which was now called ČSS again, and was a member of the National Front Action Committee. Under Klement Gottwald he became post minister, he held the post (from 1952 as communication minister) until 1960. In 1957 he published a memorial report on the resistance of the Czechoslovak prisoners in Buchenwald.

From July 1960 to April 1968 Neuman was Minister of Justice in the government of the ČSSR and at the same time party chairman of the ČSS. Then the party honored him as honorary chairman. Until 1969 Neuman belonged to the National Assembly, then until 1976 to the People's Chamber in the Federal Assembly of the ČSSR.


  • Německý lid na nových cestách. Orbis, Prague 1953.
  • N [emecká] D [emokratická] R [epublika], nový stát, nový lid, nový život. Orbis, Prague 1956.
  • Jak jsem žil. Melantrich, Prague 1971.


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Individual evidence

  1. Author collective: Buchenwald. Reminder and obligation. Documents and reports , Berlin 1983, p. 653