Aloys Schmidt

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Aloys Schmidt in his workshop

Aloys Schmidt (also: Alois Schmidt ; born August 15, 1855 in Reyersdorf , Silesia , † February 19, 1939 in Bad Landeck ) was a German wood sculptor .


Schmidt learned wood carving from the carvers Tschöpe from Kunzendorf and Albrecht Thamm from Habelschwerdt . After an apprenticeship as a carpenter in Frankenstein, he worked in Bad Landeck from 1876, where he took over the workshop of the sculptor Hettwer in 1879. He subsequently created more than two hundred altars for churches in County Glatz and in other Silesian places. Individual altars were delivered abroad, e.g. B. to Malmö and Copenhagen . In addition, pulpits, crosses, cribs, coats of arms and other carvings were made in his workshop. For Prince Albrecht of Prussia , he supplied parts of the interior fittings for Seitenberg Castle . After his death the workshop was continued by his sons Alfons, Gottfried and Konrad.

Works (selection)

  • Reyersdorf , parish church St. Nikolaus: Marienaltar (1880)
  • Wartha , pilgrimage church: front altar to high altar, confessionals, candlesticks, etc. (1891)
  • Branitz , institutional church: 15 m high cross with larger than life figure of Christ (1931)
  • Altwaltersdorf , parish church St. Laurentius: side altars
  • Stolz , Filialkirche St. Johannes Nepomuk: main altar
  • Niederwedeldorf , parish church of the apostles Simon and Jude Thaddäus: main altar (1894)


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