Ampedus erythrogonus

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Ampedus erythrogonus
Ampedus erythrogonus

Ampedus erythrogonus

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Click beetles (Elateridae)
Genre : Ampedus
Type : Ampedus erythrogonus
Scientific name
Ampedus erythrogonus
( Müller , 1821)

Ampedus erythrogonus is a beetle from the family of click beetles (Elateridae) and the subfamily of Ampedinae . The species name erythrogonus comes from the Greek and means"with a red knee"according to Sigmund Schenkling .


The beetles reach a length of 5.5 to 7.5 millimeters, making them one of the smaller click beetles. The body is black, while the anterior and posterior corners of the neck, antennae and legs are reddish-brown in color.

Pheromones are used as a lure for mating . The main component here is mainly dimethylvinylcarbinol and, to a lesser extent, cis- verbenol and ipsdienol.


Ampedus erythrogonus is eurytopic , i.e. it is distributed in different biotopes in Europe, in Northern Europe only up to the 64th parallel. The occurrence is not alpine. According to the Polish database Coleoptera Poloniae , for example, it is more common in Poland than in the plains. It can be found in moist deciduous forests, but these must have a high proportion of old and dead wood . There it lives under bark (in other words corticol), which has already loosened, and in the wood mulm . Occasionally the beetles can also be found on bushes.

The wireworm larva lives in already rotting trunks and stumps of deciduous trees such as oak and alder , there in wood containing mycelium , but also in mixed forests with, for example, pines . Alder stumps are often inhabited together with the wireworms of the click beetle Ampedus nigrinus , but these prefer the more humid, deeper areas. According to the Polish database Coleoptera Poloniae , there seems to be a preference in Poland for conifers such as spruce , fir and pine, less often deciduous trees such as oak, beech and maple such as sycamore maple .


The following synonymous scientific names and spellings can be found for Ampedus erythrogonus in the scientific literature:

  • Elater erythrogonus , Müller 1821
  • Elater concolor , Stierlin 1862

Web links

Commons : Ampedus erythrogonus  - collection of images


  • Klaus Koch: The Beetles of Central Europe. Ecology. Volume 2 . Goecke & Evers Verlag, Krefeld 1989, p. 60, ISBN 3-87263-040-7 .
  • Georg Möller, Reiner Grube, Ekkehard Wachmann : Beetles in and on the forest (Der Fauna-Käferführer; Volume 1). Fauna Verlag, Nottuln 2006, p. 102, ISBN 3-935980-15-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Sigmund Schenkling : Explanation of the scientific beetle names
  2. Photography on
  3. Semiochemicals of Ampedus erythrogonus in the pherobase
  4. a b Ampedus erythrogonus in the BioMap database (formerly Coleoptera Poloniae) (English / Polish)
  5. Zoological yearbooks: Department for Systematics, Geography and Biology of Animals, Volume 101, VEB Gustaf Fischer Verlag, Jena 1974, p. 35.
  6. Entry in the database of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (English)