Local court Lübbecke

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The district court of Lübbecke is a court of ordinary jurisdiction based in the East Westphalian city ​​of Lübbecke .

Districts and duties

The court is responsible for the towns of Lübbecke and Preußisch Oldendorf as well as the municipality of Hüllhorst in the Minden-Lübbecke district. Around 51,000 people live in the approx. 179 km² judicial district .

Superior courts

The regional court overriding the court is the Bielefeld regional court , which in turn is subordinate to the Hamm Higher Regional Court .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lübbecke District Court: District , accessed on March 20, 2020

Coordinates: 52 ° 18 ′ 13.9 ″  N , 8 ° 36 ′ 28.9 ″  E