Anatoly Alexandrovich Semyonov

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Anatoly Alexandrowitsch Semjonow ( Russian Анатолий Александрович Семёнов ; * 1841 in the Vyatka Governorate ; † 1917 ) was a Russian builder , civil engineer and architect .


Semjonow attended the village school in Scherbaschi ( Chuvashia ). He graduated from the Constantine Artillery School in St. Petersburg and then studied at the St. Petersburg Nikolai Engineering Academy , graduating in 1864 as a military engineer. He was then taken to the administration of the Moscow Military District. Within the next seven years he received the Order of St. Stanislaus III. and II. Class and the Order of Saint Anne III. Class.

In 1871, Semyonov took his leave and took part in the organization of the Sevastopol department of the Polytechnic Exhibition in Moscow in 1872 . He became a member of the Moscow Architectural Society . In 1873 he became an official for special assignments with the Moscow Governor General.

Historical Museum, Moscow

Together with the architect Vladimir Ossipowitsch Sherwood , Semyonov planned the project for the construction of the historical museum building in the style of the 16th century analogous to the Kremlin on the basis of the program drawn up by the museum commission. In April 1874 , the Moscow City Duma designated the property on the north side of Red Square with the city building that was to be demolished for the construction of the museum . After the preliminary examination of the project in July 1874 and the examination of the seven competing projects submitted, Sherwood and Semjonow were awarded the contract in May 1875. In 1875 Semyonov built a church in Sokolniki after a building by Pavel Petrovich Sykows that had not been preserved . He also built the Peter-Alexander-Adelspensionat, which later became the surgical clinic, and next to it a house for doctors and nurses with a hospital and church.

In 1892 Semenov became a member and in 1894 chairman of the Technology Council of the Moscow City Government. 1892–1912 he was chief engineer of the Moscow sewerage system and led its expansion. From 1906 he headed the architecture department of the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow. Semjonow carried out the acoustics calculations for the construction of the large auditorium of the Polytechnic Museum . In his 1910 report, Dmitri Nikolayevich Anuchin described this auditorium as the best in Moscow. Semjonow headed the building commission for the left wing of the Polytechnic Museum. Finally Semyonov became Real Councilor of State (4th class ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Зодчие Москвы времени эклектики, модерна и неоклассицизма (1830-е – 1917 годы): илл. биогр. словарь . КРАБиК, Moscow 1998, ISBN 5-900395-17-0 , p. 219 .
  2. a b c d Большая биографическая энциклопедия: Семенов, Анатолий Александрович (accessed December 15, 2017).
  3. В Московском архитектурном обществе . In: Неделя строителя . No. 8 , 1899, pp. 60 .
  4. Кириченко, Е. И .: Исторический музей: Путеводитель . Московский рабочий, Moscow 1984.
  5. ШЕРВУД, Владимир Осипович . In: Great Soviet Encyclopedia . tape 48 ( [accessed December 13, 2017]).
  6. Хроника событий Большой аудитории 1907–2007 гг.