Andrea Rübenacker

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Andrea Rübenacker (born May 17, 1974 in Cologne ) is a German journalist and media manager.


After graduating from high school in 1993, Andrea Rübenacker was a trainee at WDR at the Johann-Gottfried-Herder-Gymnasium in Cologne and completed a journalistic training at the Institute for the Promotion of Young Journalists in Munich from 1994 to 1997 . From 1995 to 2001 she was a freelance television journalist for various broadcasters on ARD , the Second German Television (ZDF) , the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in London and for an Asian news agency in Bangkok . She studied journalism and Catholic theology at Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland and at TU Dortmund University . In 2000 she was presented in Dortmund with the work »Buddha is booming: a content-analytical study of the contributions on German television on the subject of" Buddhism in Germany "; with special consideration of a material consideration of Buddhism «in the journalism department with Claus Eurich and Hans Grewel .

Rübenacker has lectureships at the University of Dortmund in the journalism department and taught at the University of Bonn in the field of ethnology. She worked as a long-term lecturer at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) . From 2003 to 2005 she set up the first journalism course for print, radio and television journalists since the time of the Khmer Rouge. In 2012, she taught TV journalism at Rhodes University in Grahamstown , South Africa .

After working as an editor at Westdeutscher Rundfunk , she switched to Deutsche Welle TV in 2001 , among other things as head of service in "Journal", the DW-TV news magazine. She has headed the Africa and Asia departments at DW Akademie der Deutsche Welle in Bonn since 2005 and was the regional coordinator for Southeast Asia from 2014 to 2017.

2015 Andrea Rübenacker was from the University of Mittweida to honorary professor nominated for International Media Management and Intercultural Communication and took over at the Dusseldorf site as Academy director head of the European Media and Business Academy (EMBA) .

In June 2018 Andrea Rübenacker was elected by the KNA supervisory board and shareholders' meeting as managing director of the Catholic News Agency (KNA) based in Bonn and managing director of the Catholic media company and the KNA subsidiary dreipunktdrei mediengesellschaft mbH . In addition, she takes over as the managing director of the KNA-Promedia-Stiftung , a funding initiative for young Catholic journalists. She succeeded Theo Mönch-Tegeder on November 1, 2018.

She has been a member of the jury of the Catholic Media Prize of the German Bishops 'Conference since 2012 and has been an advisor to the Journalism Commission of the Bishops' Conference for two years. She is a member of the sponsoring association of the Institute for the Promotion of Young Journalists . (ifp).

honors and awards

  • International Media Award for Interreligious Dialogue (2001)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Dr. Andrea Rübenacker. Head of Asia . DW Akademie, accessed on July 2, 2018
  2. a b c d The academy management of the EMBA . EMBA, accessed July 2, 2018
  3. a b Andrea Rübenacker takes the helm of the Catholic media company ., accessed on July 2, 2018