Andreas Neufert

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Andreas Neufert (born August 16, 1961 in Munich ) is a German art historian .


Born in Munich in 1961, Neufert grew up in the house of his parents Ilas Neufert and Insa Garrels, as well as in the house of his grandmother Alice Spies-Neufert in the Schlederloh artists' colony near Icking . On his father's side he is related to Ernst Neufert , Friedrich Vollmer , the German-Polish family of artists Lasinsky and the poet Anna Maria Lasinsky Freiin von Knapp (1782–1839), on his mother's side he has German-English ancestors from the Garrels and Russell families .

From 1980 to 1987 Neufert studied art history , philosophy and literature at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , the University of Vienna and the Sorbonne in Paris. In 1987 he completed this with a Magister Artium under Uwe M. Schneede and Hans Belting . In 1988 a year-long stay in Paris followed for an oral history project with survivors of surrealism in Paris and the beginning of freelance journalism. From 1990 to 1992 he completed a postgraduate degree in cultural management in Vienna / Krems at the Institute for Cultural Studies. In his dissertation, which he accepted in 1997 in the Department of Aesthetics and Art Education at the University of Witten / Herdecke , he investigated the history of ideas of the Austrian surrealist Wolfgang Paalen a . a. under the aspect of the Viennese tradition of thought ( logical empiricism , Ludwig Wittgenstein , Ernst Mach ). It was published in 1999 under the title Inside the Whale by Springer-Verlag Vienna / New York. In 1993/94 he worked as a guest curator at the Museum Moderner Kunst - Stiftung Ludwig , Vienna, and in 1994 as curator of the retrospective Wolfgang Paalen at the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Alvar y Carillo Gil , Mexico City ; Neufert subsequently became a regular guest curator at MACG, Mexico (1994–98) and realized a. a. Exhibitions such as Recuerdo del Paraiso eternal , André Breton (on the 100th birthday), and initiated an Italy-Mexico exchange program for visual artists. From 1994 to 1997 he lectured at the UNAM's annual Colloquio Estetico. Neufert has three children and has lived with his family in Berlin-Schöneberg and Bork (Brandenburg) since 2002.


Neufert's work in the field of art is interdisciplinary and focuses on the processes of expanded perception in art history and cultural studies research. It is based on ideas about the multiple personality and potential spaces covered and / or verunmöglichter life impulses and pathways that link to early suggestions of his grandmother, the painter, Bauhaus student and youth writer Alice Spies Neufert and the confrontation with the philosophy of Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein decline . The concept of the human brain as a stage is also rooted in his desire to become an actor after graduating from high school. After an appearance in the role of theater director in Pirandello's play Six Characters in Search of an Author , however, the Theater an der Leopoldstrasse (Munich) he chose art history as a focal point. Based on a conception of the work of art as a medium of correspondence and projection, his interest naturally focuses on the viewer's processes of seeing and imagining.

In collaboration with Otto van de Loo , he presented his first major publication in 1992: Engagement and Distance , an anthology with 36 essays on painting (Edition van de Loo, Munich), some of which was created in close collaboration with the artists. In his long-standing involvement with the Austro-Mexican painter Wolfgang Paalen , he found a multilayered level of reflection for the deep roots of his own work in the previously undiscovered self-knowledge processes of modern art. In 2015 he presented a biography of Wolfgang Paalen, which was widely recognized in German-speaking countries. In 2019 he curated the exhibition Wolfgang Paalen - The Austrian Surrealist in Paris and Mexico for the Austrian Gallery Belvedere in Vienna.

Publications (selection)

  • Andreas Neufert (author); Otto van de Loo (ed.): Commitment and distance. Aspects of a Collection. Edition van de Loo, Munich 1992, (collection of 35 essays by Andreas Neufert on Pierre Alechinsky , Günter Brus , Jean Dubuffet , Asger Jorn , Henri Michaux , Arnulf Rainer , Antonio Saura , Wols and others)
  • Wolfgang Paalen. Inside the whale. - Monograph / Writings / Oevre catalog. Springer, Vienna / New York 1999.
  • To love and death. The life of the surrealist Wolfgang Paalen. Parthas, Berlin 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Henninger: The Garrels family (BLO III, Aurich 2001, pp. 160-163) Link
  2. Ernst Esselborn (arr.): The Garrels family. In: 200 years of JH Garrels Lud. Son 1759–1959. Leer 1959, pp. 188-192.
  3. ^ Festive publication for the 150th anniversary of the JH Garrels Lud company. Sohn, Leer (Ostfriesland), 1759–1909, Leer 1909.
  4. Margrit Schulte Beerbühl: German merchants in London: World Trade and Naturalization (1660-1818).
  5. ^ Moritz Blanckarts: Lasinsky, Gustav. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 17, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1883, p. 732 f.
  6. Sir George Clarke: The Later Stuarts, 1660-1714. 2nd Edition. Clarendon Press, 1955, pp. 97-99.
  7. ^ Helmut Lensing: Russell, Emil. In: Study Society for Emsland Regional History. Volume 16, Haselünne 2009, pp. 215-226.

Web links