Andrei Wassiljewitsch Jentalzew

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Andrei Wassiljewitsch Jentalzew

Andrei Vasilyevich Jentalzew even Jantalzew ( Russian Андрей Васильевич Ентальцев / Andrej Vasil'evič Ental'cev *  1788 in St. Petersburg , † January 27 . Jul / 8. February  1845 greg. In Yalutorovsk ), was a Russian lieutenant colonel and Dekabrist .

Andrei, son of the College Assessor Vasily Jentalzew and his wife Varvara Grigoryevna, née Tschereschnikowa - daughter of a major general who was decorated with the Order of St. George , embarked on an officer career after attending school in Saint Petersburg in 1801. After serving as a Junker in an artillery battalion , he fought from 1806 to 1807 in the Russian Army in the Fourth Coalition War against the French . Lieutenant Andrei Jentalzew was in 1812 after the Battle of Smolensk to staff captain promoted. Participation in the Battle of Krasnoye brought him the award of the Order of St. Vladimir at the end of 1812 . On June 17, 1817 Andrei Jentalzew became a captain , on September 15, 1819, a lieutenant colonel and on January 25, 1823, commander of the 27th Horse Artillery Company .

As a secret alliance since 1820, Jentalzew was arrested in Tultschyn on January 20, 1826 because of his membership in the welfare society and in the southern alliance and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress . On February 7, 1827, he was sentenced to two years in katorga and exiled to Siberia .

View around 1828 of the Ostrog Tschita

In 1827/28 Andrei Jentalzew served his sentence in the Ostrog Tschita . His wife Alexandra Vasilyevna arrived in Chita in May 1828. The couple were later allowed to live in Beryosovo and then in Yalutorovsk . The Jentalzew family bought the exile in Yalutorovsk a house. Andrei Jentalzew still wanted to leave. Differences with Yalutorovsk administrative officials apparently fueled his onset of nervous disease . His application to join the Caucasus Army was rejected. But from the early summer of 1842 the couple was allowed to live in Tobolsk . Already in September 1842 the sick man returned to Yalutorovsk with his wife and died there two and a half years later.

Andrei Jentalzew found his final resting place in the Yalutorovsk Old Cemetery. His grave is under the protection of the Russian state .

Web links

  • Entry at Decembrists (Russian)
  • Entry at (Russian)

Individual evidence

  1. Kollegienassessor = 8th grade civil servant
  2. Russian Варвара Григорьевна Черешникова
  3. Russian ru: Декабристы , section "Союз благоденствия" (1818-1821)
  4. Russian ru: Южное общество декабристов
  5. Russian Читинский острог .
  6. Russian Александра Васильевна Ентальцева (1790-1858)
  7. Russian ru: Отдельный Кавказский корпус