Anton von Herberstein

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Herberstein family coat of arms

Anton Reichsgraf von Herberstein (born December 30, 1725 in Vienna , † December 2, 1774 in Trieste ) was Bishop of Trieste .


His parents were the imperial steward Ferdinand Leopold von Herberstein and Maria, geb. Baroness of Ulm . He joined the order of the Theatines and was ordained a priest on June 16, 1748 . He later became provost of Eisgarn and worked as a pastor in Burgschleinitz in the Diocese of Passau .

After the death of the Trieste bishop Leopoldo Giuseppe Annibale von Petazzi , Maria Theresa nominated Anton von Herberstein as his successor on November 22, 1760. The papal confirmation took place on April 6, 1761. He received the episcopal ordination on April 30, 1761 by the Archbishop of Salzburg Christoph Bartholomäus Anton Migazzi von Waal and Sonnenthurn , co-consecrators were Giorgio Maria Lascaris and Franjo Thauszy , Bishop of Agram (Zagreb).

As a bishop, Herberstein went on visitation trips and preached in Italian and German. The intended establishment of a seminary did not materialize during his tenure. However, six free places were made available for candidates for priesthood at the Gorizia seminar. In 1773 a congregation of mechitarists settled in Trieste, which opened a novitiate and ran a printing company.

Due to the strong growth of the city associated with the construction of the Trieste free port , the necessary pastoral structures were lacking. Therefore the bishop advocated an improvement in the parish organization. With the proposal to relocate the cathedral from the historic old town to the new building areas, he could not prevail with the empress. Further problems arose from the immigration of Serbs and Greeks , who formed their own cult communities, whose influence the bishop wanted to push back. The adjustment of the diocesan to the national borders, which he called for, could not be realized during his term of office.

The last years of his term of office fell into a difficult time in terms of church politics. Nevertheless, he worked with the state commission on the church reforms pursued by the imperial court, which provided for a national church . The abolition of the Jesuit order in 1773 had a detrimental effect in Trieste.


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predecessor Office successor
Leopoldo Giuseppe Annibale by Petazzi Bishop of Trieste
Francesco Filippo Inzaghi