Anton von Puchner

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Anton Freiherr von Puchner, lithograph by Josef Kriehuber , 1849

Anton Freiherr von Puchner (born November 11, 1779 in Schemnitz , † December 28, 1852 in Vienna ) was a kk Austrian general.

After a careful upbringing in his hometown, he joined the Hungarian Nobel Guard in Vienna in 1799. From 1801 he served in the 5th Chevaux Legers Regiment ( Kinsky ). In the Napoleonic Wars from 1805 to 1813 he distinguished himself several times and was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Maria Theresa Order . In 1814 he was promoted to major , in 1824 to colonel and in 1832 to major general. 1834 Commander of the Austrian troops in the Papal States of Bologna . After this diplomatically delicate mission, he was appointed field marshal lieutenant and appointed as court war councilor to Vienna.

In 1840 he was appointed governor of Transylvania . In the war of 1848/49 , Puchner, as commander in chief of the Austrian troops in Transylvania, achieved some successes against Józef Bem , around January 21 near Sibiu and February 4, 1849 in the battle of Vízakna near Salzburg . General Bem, reinforced by contingents from the Szeklers , pushed him back from the Marostal to Reismarkt on the evening of February 10th after his victory at Alviatz. At the beginning of March, Bems troops (5700 men, 820 riders, 30 artillery pieces) were forced by Puchner's troops to retreat to Schäßburg on March 4th after the three-day battle near Mediasch . While Puchner was chasing his opponent there, he was able to bring Hermannstadt, which was poorly protected, into his hands on March 14th and Kronstadt on March 19th . As a result, Puchner saw himself cut off from his connections to the rear and had to evade his troops to the Russians in Wallachia. All of Transylvania, except for the imperial garrisons in Deva and Karlsburg , fell into the hands of the Hungarians.

Because Puchner was already severely ill, he handed over the management of operations to Field Marshal Malkowsky. Puchner received the Commander's Cross of the Maria Theresa Order and was appointed Governor of Venice . He died in Vienna in 1852 after two strokes.

His son Hannibal Puchner was also an Austrian officer (major general).


Individual evidence

  1. János Czetz: Bem's campaign in Transylvania, Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 1850, p. 249 f.