Anton von Wienskowski

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Anton Gustav von Wienskowski (born April 11, 1766 in Vangerow , Neustettin district , Pomerania ; † February 23, 1837 in Breslau , Lower Silesia ) was a Prussian major general .


He came from a Polish - West Prussian noble family and was the son of the landowner Christoph von Wienskowski (1717–1805) and Eleonore Modesta Tugendreich von Vangerow (1730–1805).

Wienskowski began his military career in 1775 as a Prussian cadet in Stolp ( East Pomerania ). In 1781 he came as a Junker in the infantry regiment "von Hager" (No. 38) to Silesia , to which he belonged until its dissolution in 1807. As a lieutenant colonel in 1814 he was commander of the 2nd battalion of the Emperor Franz Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 2 and Knight of the Iron Cross 1st class.

Wienskowski's first marriage was on July 5, 1798 in Neisse ( Upper Silesia ), Friederike Hacke († May 20, 1821 in Neisse). From this marriage there were three sons. In his second marriage he married Katharina Friederike Sophie von Frank (born March 18, 1778 in Dreieichenhain , Principality of Isenburg , † February 26, 1859 in Breslau). From this marriage came his fourth son.

On June 25, 1803, he and his brothers Caspar and Wilhelm received Prussian recognition of their Polish nobility - albeit without a diploma .


Individual evidence

  1. Prussian cadets from Stolp (East Pomerania) 1769-1816 ( Institute for German Aristocracy Research. )
  2. ^ Kurt von Priesdorff: Soldatisches Führertum. Volume 5, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Hamburg, undated [Hamburg], undated [1938], DNB 367632802 , p. 107, no. 1446 ( excerpt. )
  3. Carl von Gorszkowsky: The Kaiser Franz Grenadier Regiment for the Illustrirte Stamm-, Rang- und ... , 1854, p. 47 ( digitized )
  4. Maximilian Gritzner : Chronological register of the Brandenburg-Prussian status increases and grace acts from 1600–1873 . Published by Mitscher & Roestell, Berlin 1874, p. 70.