Antoni Julian Nowowiejski

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Sel. Antoni Julian Nowowiejski, Bishop of Plock
Antoni Julian Nowowiejski on a sculpture in the Plock Cathedral

Antoni Julian Nowowiejski (born February 11, 1858 in Lubienia near Opatów , † May 28, 1941 in Soldau ) was a Polish Roman Catholic clergyman, archbishop and bishop of Płock . In the Catholic Church he is venerated as a blessed .


Nowowiejski studied in the Russian Congress Poland at the seminaries of Płock and Saint Petersburg . He was ordained a priest on July 10, 1881 and was later active as the Regens of the Płock seminary, canon and vicar general of the diocese of Płock .

On 12 June 1908 he was elected bishop of Plock, the episcopal ordination received his his predecessor Archbishop Apolinary Wnukowski which according Mogilev ( Belarus was appointed). Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Kujawien-Kalisz , Stanisław Kazimierz Zdzitowiecki , and the Bishop of Lutsk , Karol Antoni Niedziałkowski .

On November 25, 1930, Pope Pius XI awarded him . the personal title of titular archbishop pro hac vice of Silyum .

Nowowiejski renewed the administrative structures of the diocese and dealt extensively with pastoral care. At the same time he was considered an important liturgical scholar, for which he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Warsaw . He was also an honorary citizen of the city of Płock .

After the German invasion and the annexation of the North Mazovia region to East Prussia , he was arrested and taken to the Słupno and Soldau camps, where he died as a result of the torture inflicted on him.

On June 13, 1999, he was beatified by Pope John Paul II , along with another 107 martyrs of World War II (3 bishops, 30 priests, 7 monks, 7 nuns, 28 lay people). The common liturgical day of remembrance is June 12th.

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predecessor Office successor
Apolinary Wnukowski Bishop of Płock
Tadeusz Paweł Zakrzewski