Antony Copley

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Antony RH Copley (born July 1, 1937 in Hertfordshire - † July 18, 2016 ) was a British historian . His research focus was on the European and Indian modern times.


Antony Copley was the son of one of Hertfordshire originating Solicitor and his first wife. He had several half-siblings from his father's second marriage. At a young age he attended Kingshott School, a private preparatory school in Hitchin . He then attended Gresham's School , a public school in Norfolk County . He later received a scholarship for the Worcester College of the University of Oxford , however, decided to only his national service abzuleisten. As a naval officer he was used in Cyprus and during the Suez Crisis . He studied contemporary history at the University of Oxford.

From 1963 to 1967 Copley taught as a lecturer at the University College of North Wales . He then moved to the University of Kent at Canterbury . There he taught as a senior lecturer and reader . In 2002 he retired. He later became an honorary professor at the University of Kent.

Copley has been a visiting academic at Jawaharlal Nehru University in India , Ibadan University in Nigeria and Nankai University in China . He was also visiting professor at Sri Venkateswara University , Central University in Hyderabad , University of Bangalore and University of Paris.

His academic interest was above all in modern European history, with a particular focus on 19th century French history and the history of India. In 2015 he published his autobiography A Memoir: Historian and Homosexual: Search for a Postwar Identity .

Copley died of prostate cancer in 2016 .

Publications (selection)

  • Sexual Moralities in France, 1780–1980: New Ideas on the Family, Divorce, and Homosexuality (1989)
  • Gandhi: Against the Tide (1993)
  • (Ed.): Hinduism in Public and Private: Reform, Hindutva, Gender, and Sampraday (2003, Oxford University Press)
  • A Spiritual Bloomsbury: Hinduism and Homosexuality in the lives and writings of Edward Carpenter, EM Forster and Christopher Isherwood (2006)
  • Music and the Spiritual: Composers and Politics in the 20th Century (2012)
  • A Memoir: Historian and Homosexual: Search for a Postwar Identity (2015)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Antony Copley: A Spiritual Bloomsbury: Hinduism and Homosexuality in the lives and writings of Edward Carpenter, EM Forster and Christopher Isherwood (2006)